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Everything posted by butterweedstrover

  1. A new regime has to be better than the old, and your dream of a pliant liberal democracy will be the end of Russia. They have a right to defend themselves from western aggression and remain an independent geopolitical unit. Now if the only ending you see fit is a military take over of Crimea, Ukrainian nationalists marching on Donetsk, and sending Prigozhin, Putin, Girkin, and Lukashenko to The Hague for prosecution, then with all so respect to your ancestors, you can imagine why not all are excited to give up and let you roll over them.
  2. Yeah, it kills your imagination that Ukrainians are desperate to die fighting Russians and plugs a hole into your BS narrative.
  3. Ukrainians are dying in mass according to these updates. Not that you care, as long as it helps the west geopolitically.
  4. Oh boy, wait till you hear some of the stories I’ve been told: https://twitter.com/ThePollLady/status/1618528798420635649
  5. I disagreed only in that I didn’t think it would work. If Putin would really be able to remove the regime in Kiev with tanks, then absolutely.
  6. In this instance I’m I favor of a ceasefire and you’re not. So as of today, I am anti-war and you are pro-war.
  7. The economist sanitized the report to make Ukraine look good, but even your beloved western media is reporting on it: https://www.economist.com/europe/2023/02/26/ukraine-finds-stepping-up-mobilisation-is-not-so-easy Go on telegram or twitter to see footage of the real horrors the draft has brought.
  8. Wagner has been much more true to their soldiers than the MOD and Prigozhin has openly criticized corruption within the Kremlin. You ignore the mobilization order of males in Ukraine. If they had so many volunteers, they wouldn’t need to kidnap people off the street. Oh yeah, and all the male refugees I’m hanging out with in Brighton Beach fled from the draft.
  9. War is war, everyone thinks their fight is justified. I’m sure Russians thought they were liberating Crimea. If you’re against war, you’re against war. Not just war you think is good.
  10. They did not make any decisions. Western governments helped overthrow the system, invest in propaganda, arm Nazis, and lied to the people about their agreement and Russia’s.
  11. The alternative to Putin is not a liberal puppet state, but someone like Prigozhin or Lukashenko who will destroy the corrupt mafia as Stalin once did.
  12. Russian the empire compromises territories fill with minorities. Rus, the people Russia is named after, come from Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine. They are and always have been the same country, German puppet states not withstanding.
  13. Arms get spread around, billions to the military go to hard right militias. As for the right sector, who funded them? It’s in public schools now. I imagine western funds meant to uphold the economy goes to schools. ‘Homegrown’ lol. Azov is from Russia, the founder was Russian.
  14. Polish are ethnically Poles, Finland are Finnish, Estonia are Estonians. Ukraine literally means borderlands, borderlands of Rus. They are the same ethnic composition.
  15. That’s literally what the Banderites say, and government officials repeat it verbatim. They also have child soldier camps:
  16. 1. Zelensky is 2. It’s good you see Russians and Ukrainians have the same tactics. Because they are not like you, they are Rus. When you call Russians ‘orcs’ for being not part of the civilized Europe, you are also calling Ukrainians orcs. 3. It’s a defense line, no one calls it an invasion line.
  17. Their ‘interest’ is what caused the war. They helped overthrow the government, invested billions into armed militias, supported schools that said Russians were mongols and Ukrainians are pure Slavs, they wanted control even if that meant war. So why? Where does this obsession come from?
  18. Ukraine is Russia, they are the Rus people. Nordic countries share a culture and people, they don’t have revisionist Nazis in their population who think Icelanders are ethnically superior to Norwegians, because that would be a joke. However, in the west Banderites are nurtured and given a platform to spew historical revisionism, that Russians are mongols and Ukrainian are the true heirs to Kievan Rus. This is what THEY say, and you promoted this ideology in schools all across Ukraine.
  19. Tell me where the Vatican is located. Did Jesus ever even step foot in this area once in his life? And tell me again about the church, are they not expansionists, did they not slaughter in the name of conversion. Tell me of the gold, the statues, the bread and circus. Is this Jesus or Rome? Who are they: Jesus or the people who had Jesus crucified?
  20. The question is, WHY does the west want to ‘shepherd’ Ukraine, a country with little value to them or the EU? Why are they so obsessed with Ukraine? Because of Russia, so Russia can be destroyed.
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