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Lady Misery

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Everything posted by Lady Misery

  1. There seems to be an aweful lot of unnecessarily fancy helmets. Both Robert and Renly had ones with antlers, Bluetooth the Ironborn has ravenwings on his, Flement Brax has a horsehead shaped one with a two feet long horn, Gendry has his bull one with horns and so does some Prester knight. Protrusions of any sort on a helmet are a bad idea for a variety of reasons, so it seems really strange that there are so many, particularly since some of the mentioned ones were worn into actual battle and not just a tourney. Not that they make a wjhole lot more sense in the later either.
  2. I think she wasn't simple minded at all. Rather she wasn't married off to anyone because Alysanne was so attached to her; she did not want to give her up. And as to why she was not better guarded, well she either managed to slip her guards or her parents simply grew complacent due to her being so meek and shy, that they figured she wasn't going to misbehave in the first place.
  3. The Viserra situation makes so little sense it borders on the comical. What exactly is the point of marrying a fifteen year old princess off to a sixty year old lord who already has several heirs? There is zero benifit in such a match since any children Viserra might have had would have gotten absolutely squat. The only explanation I can come up with for what Alysanne might have been thinking is that she was subconciously trying to punish Viserra for what her sister did.
  4. Maybe there is a clause in the law that lets Houses follow their own rules of inheritance to a certain degree? So if a house has always passed over the females, they can continue to do so even though official law states that a daughter comes before a nephew or cousin.
  5. Had to look it up briefly, but in the German version, he is called Stinker. His rhyme is: Stinker, mein Name ist Stinker, das kommt von stinken, und das reimt sich auf winken. (Stinker, my name is Stinker, it comes from stinking and that rhymes with waving.)
  6. How come that the whole of Westeros speaks only one language? Like, shouldn't a continent of that size have more variants? Yes, the Andals brought their language with them when the conquered the South but that was millenia ago and did not extent to the North and the Iron Islands and certainly not to the Lands beyond the Wall. So why does everyone speak Common? I mean, Germany and France don't have the same language either and all that seperates those countries is a river, instead of the 1500+ miles between Dorne and the North. It would make a lot more sense if there were three or four (maybe more) different languages strone across the continent, with some overlap in the border regions. Particularly since some of the kingdoms are fairly isolated. Dorne is cut of from the Stromlands and the Reach by the Red Mountains. The Vale has the Mountains of the Moon and the North has the Neck. Even if all the kingdoms had at one point spoken just one language, it should have evolved into different variants over the several millenia we know Westeros has been inhabited.
  7. Alys Harroway to Maegor. All of his wives with the exception of Rhaena, actually.
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