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Gameofthronesnerd's Achievements


Commoner (1/8)

  1. Robert Baratheon Start of Asoiaf Small Council King - Robert Baratheon - The Crownlands Grand Maester - Marwin the Mage - Westeros Master of Ships/ Grand Admiral- Stannis Baratheon - The Stormlands Master of Agriculture/ Trade - Mathis Rowan - The Reach Master of Infrastructure - Quentyn Martell - Dorne Master of Laws- Yohn Royce - The Vale Master of Whispers - Illyrio Mopatis - Pentos Master of Coin - Rodrik Harlaw - The Iron Islands Master of War - Randal Tarly- The Reach Master of Foreign Affairs - Roose Bolton - The North Hand of King - Tywin Lannister - The Westerlands Positions In Court High Septon - Septon Meribald - The Riverlands Lord Admiral of the Narrow Sea - Aurane Waters - The Crownlands Lord Admiral of the Sunset Sea - Paxter Redwyne - The Reach Lord Captain of the Iron Fleet - Victarion Greyjoy - The Iron Islands Commander of the Seawatch - Theon Greyjoy - The Iron Islands Royal Shipwright - Baelor Blacktyde - The Iron Islands Kings Royal Captain - Allard Seaworth - The Crownlands Harbormaster - Wyman Manderly - The North Lord Justiciar - Richard Horpe - The Stormlands Kings Justice - Ilyn Payne- The Westerlands Chief Undergaoler - Clayton Suggs - The Crownlands Lord Confessor - Rammsey Snow - The North High Reeve - Beric Dondarrion - The Stormlands High Bailiff - Robar Royce - The Vale Kings Counter- Tytos Blackwood - The Riverlands King’s Scales - Tyrion Lannister - The Westerlands Warden of the Kings Mint/ Keeper of the Key - Bonifer Hasty - The Stormlands Master at Arms - Jason Mallister - The Riverlands Commander Household Guard - Syrio Forel - Braavos Lord Assassin - Gerald Dayne - Dorne Castle Blacksmith - Tohbo Mott - Qohor Castellan - Addam Marbrand - The Westerlands High Steward - Davos Seaworth - The Crownlands Master of Horses - Harwin - The North Master of Hounds - Farlen - The North Master of Feasts - Dale Seaworth - The Crownlands Master of Drink - Thoros - Myr Master of Games - Balman Byrch - The Crownlands Royal Huntsman - Anguy - The Dornish Marches Court Bard - Guyard Morrigen - The Stormlands Head Researcher - Qyburn - Westeros Royal Food Taster - Boros Blount- Crownlands Kings Healer - Archmaester Ebrose - Westros Alchemists Guild Advisor - Hallyne - The Crownlands Castle Fool - Patchface - Volantis Queen - Cersi Lannister - The Westerlands Queen Steward - Taena Merryweather - Myr Lady of Court - Dacey Mormont - The North Mistresses of Keys - Wynafryd Manderly - The North Princes Tutor - Haldon - Westros Kings Cup Bearer - Joffery Baratheon - The Crownlands Kings Squire - Edric Dayne - Dorne Kings Ward - Podrick Payne - The Westerlands Kings Foreign Advisor - Jalabhar Xho - Summer Isle Kings Foreign Advisor - Salladhor Saan - Lys Kings Foreign Advisor - Melisandre - Asshai Kings Foreign Advisor - Izembaro - Braavos Kings Royal Harem Warden - Bellegere Otherys - Braavos Warden of the Kingswood - Mors Umber - The North Warden of Crackclaw Point/ Castellan of Dragonstone - Andrew Estermont - The Stormlands Kings Landing Citywatch Commander of the Citywatch - Cortnay Penrose - The Stormlands Gate of the Gods Captain - Arys Oakheart - The Reach Kings Gate Captain - Hosteen Frey - The Riverlands Lion Gate Captain - Daven Lannister - The Westerlands River Gate Captain - Jacelyn Bywater - The Crownlands Old Gate Captain - Gilbert Farring - The Crownlands Iron Gate Captain - Aron Santagar - Dorne Dragon Gate Captain - Donnel Waynwood - The Vale Kingsguard - 15 Members Barriston Selmy - The Stormlands - Lord Commander Brendon Tully - The Riverlands - Vice Lord Commander Lothor Brune - The Crownlands Balon Swann - The Stormlands Small Jon Umber - The North Mandon Moore - The Vale Lyn Corbray - The Vale Garlan Tyrell - The Reach Loras Tyrell- The Reach Sandor Clegane - The Westerlands Lyle Crakehall - The Westerlands Harwyn Plumm - The Westerlands Harris Harlaw - The Iron Islands Godry Farring - The Crownlands Daemon Sand - Dorne Squires for Kingsguard Mychel Redfort - The Vale Josmyn Peckledon - The Westerlands Jon Snow - The North Queens Sworn Sword Brienne of Tarth - The Stormlands Rolland Storm - The Stormlands Myrcella Baratheon Sworn Sword Strong Belwas - Meereenese House Marriages Renly Baratheon - Adianne Martell Joffery Baratheon - Margaery Tyrell Myrcella Baratheon - Robert Arryn Tommen Baratheon - Sansa Stark Wardens Jon Arryn - The East Ned Stark - The North Jamie Lannister - The West Doran Martell - The South
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