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Mya Stone

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Everything posted by Mya Stone

  1. Should've ended with Oberyn jumping up and declaring "I VOLUTEER AS TRIBUTE"
  2. Dontos was on a boat, dead, with the necklace on top of him. I thought it was kind of obvious Littlefinger wanted him, and the necklace, found.
  3. Oh, I'm sorry, we haven't met. My name is Mya. I'm sarcastic. Nice to meet you. (2 of these things were real. One was a lie.)
  4. I call bullshit. That baby would have had frostbite a long time ago. Everyone knows infants lose their heat through their heads.
  5. Also, Summer and Ghost look AMAZING this season.
  6. Ghost. :( Is he going to turn green and hulk smash his way out?
  7. But TO WINTERFELL! :P And Rastmsey!
  8. He really is. I truly think Iceland was what was wrong with him before...he's been amazing this season!
  9. This Jon speech is very reminiscent of his ADWD speech. I like it.
  10. Really? This entire thread is reading like YouTube comments.
  11. Yeah, the makeup team outdid themselves with Joff's face. It was a thing of beauty.
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