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Everything posted by Buzzard16

  1. The Trial and Peter Dinklage owned this episode. The rest was very disjointed. Yara / Ramsey? What the hell was that? The Trial's execution and incredible acting saved this episode. I gave this one an 8 for Peter alone, as bad as the rest of the episode was, he was just that good.
  2. Bravo, In ASOIAF world where adult men marry 13 year old girls, this is accepted as part of the world created. When Adult nudity is incorporated into same said world for dramatic effect on TV, it becomes unnecessary or filler. ??? There is a lot we all would like them to do differently, but they are doing the show with Hodor's junk and Mel's tits and Theon's torture porn. I for one would rather have it all, than none.
  3. I like what they're doing with Theon and Ramsey. It's a nod to what we Know from the books but don't actually get from ASOS. The whole cat and mouse, capture, release, capture. We know he does this hunting measure with woman. The "I am your friend, meanwhile I'm the one actually doing this to you." A nod to how he was initially introduced as Reek, gaining trust and then bam. Also a parallel to how he used to play with Reek as children, while turning Theon into Reek in his own sadistic way. It's a great way to show them both this season when they weren't in ASOS. It's like the untold story we didn't get in the book.
  4. I like the way they're doing the whole cat and mouse with Theon. We know Ramsey likes to do this with the woman. The bait and switch with , I'm your friend , but I'm really orchestrating all this, is a cool way to integrate material that's not in the books.
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