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Lord Eddard

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Everything posted by Lord Eddard

  1. Really, if this is all you have to offer, you have to try harder. A lot.
  2. Yes, yes, naturally. This season was the most watched ever and a roaring success on each count - people love it and critics love it. Ratings do matter, not the opinions of the vocal minority here. D&D will be able to choose their further projects - after this immense success they will be in high demand. Deal with it, haters :kiss:
  3. Did so and found them lacking. The show improved on the lacklustre and rambling "story" of Feast and Dance. Deal with it.
  4. Brilliant and spot on! Btw, I voted 10 - amazing episode and a BIG improvement over the meandering book mess.
  5. That is actually a very fair and reasonable price (but don't go any lower, please, you'll ruin prices for the rest of us ;) ). I hope you'll make the sale, good luck!
  6. One-dimensional boring characters, but otherwise yes - D&D have already improved upon the source material of Feast and Dance. And significantly so. Regarding the rating, I gave this episode a 9, it was very good once again. How did you rate it?
  7. Unfortunately, it wouldn't have. The big disappointment of Dance next to its sluggish pace were exactly Tyrion, Jon and Dany - or "where do whores go", "counting sausages" and "sitting on my arse in Meereen". Those three major characters went from enthralling to pedestrian, from complex and varied to one-dimensional and boring. Martin simply didn't know what to do with them any more and it showed. Let's hope D&D can reverse this grievous lapse and give us all a satisfying conclusion.
  8. LOL. So when we think Dance is a bloated mess we "don't have the attention span for a longer story" and we "should stop reading"? Yeah, sure. (The Yellow Pages aren't boring, you just don't have the attention span for it, dude!) Let me reverse your insipid assumption and advice: It seems to me like you just don't have the aesthetic ability to appreciate good television. It's probably time to stop watching.
  9. Are you talking about Feast and Dance or the show?
  10. This. And that's the reason I am thankful to D&D - because they will give us an ending instead of further meandering fillers like Dance. Regarding book vs show lovers, most of my friends have read the books years before HBO and all of them are relieved that the show tightened plot and pace after Storm. Let's face it, Feast and especially Dance were already a chore to read, a "faithful adaptation" on screen would have been unbearable to watch *shudder*.
  11. I won't buy it. I'm angry about the high price and the lack of exclusive illustrations. In addition, I have my doubts about the re-sale value.
  12. Prices are not good right now. A SP GOT has just recently sold on ebay for just $415(!) and another for $550 hasn't sold at all. On top of that, there have been two broken sets on offer there for a while that nobody seems to want. Ok, they are offered at quite "hopeful" prices :cool4: Seeing as we are currently in the hot phase of the HBO season where books tend to sell for a lot more compared to the off-season, I think this is quite worrying..
  13. So you are basically describing A Dance with Dragons, yes? Let's face it, the source material has deeply declined in quality after Storm so major changes were inevitable. What did you expect, four episodes of Tyrion wandering aimlessly around, mumbling "Where do whores go" and swimming with turtles? Five episodes of Dany in Meereen doing nothing except lusting for Dario's manhood? Get a dose of reality, D&D doing the best they can with the material they were given.
  14. WORD Btw, I rated it a solid 8. Loved the Winterfell scenes and the ending, didn't care about Dorne so much. In general, D&D do a splendid stuff of improving the bloated mess of Feast and Dance, a real gargantuan task!
  15. Don't beat yourself up, you're just confusing taste (subjective) and facts (objective), with Lady Gaga and Bach being the former and the moon made out of cheese the latter. It's a common misconception. You can't label taste with words like "right" or "wrong" because those terms only defer to facts. Taste is always personal and can be "bad" or "good" but these terms are always volatile and depend on the general consensus at the moment. Bach might be more relevant in terms of complexity and cultural impact while Lady Gaga is much more suited to getting drunk and dancing. Paintings made by monkeys were sold to oblivious customers at staggering prices who thought they were buying cutting edge modern art. Those customers obviously liked them. So coming back to the discussion here about the novels and the TV show, I am of the opinion that D&D did a good job of adapting inferior source material (Feast and Dance) into quite a good show i.e. I like the show better than the last two books. You may accuse me of having bad taste but you can't tell my I am wrong.
  16. You're a funny guy. Of course it's my opinion that Feast and especially Dance show a sharp decline in quality compared to the first three magnificient books and that D&D did a good job converting this fairly convoluted and bloated travelogue into something people actually like to watch. You can only ever have an opinion about subjective impressions, there is no factual right or wrong. If lots of people share your opinion then it becomes the majority consensus. For example, the majority consensus is that Crossroads of Twilight is an outright horribly boring book but there is still a minority who actually likes and defends it. Still only opinions and not facts. There, some basic education for you.
  17. Haha, I can't disagree with you on that :) Especially the first one bugs me. Jamie going to Dorne - well, let's see how that plays out.
  18. Oh yes they have - but wisely decided to trim the pointless travelogue, fillers and sidequests that made up 70% of Feast and Dance. The show isn't perfect but D&D made the best out of the inferior source material they got.
  19. The price ranges for these books are so diverse, it's impossible to fix a certain price and we can only speculate. The range for SP now seems to be (from verified sales) $2000 for a broken set consisting of Clash, Feast, Dance and rights to Games (see above) to $6000 for a complete set that evogeler sold. The $8000 on ebay didn't sell. It also seems that there are interests on both sides (owners of the books and potential buyers) to boost or to down-talk the price. As the owner of SP Clash und soon Games with no interest to sell I consider myself belonging to neither party. :cool4: I am afraid though that prices will drop drastically when the HBO show has run its course and public interest has started to wane.
  20. I really don't like it, it looks like a cheap fantasy trope. In addition, it's not even a scene from the book. If you have to have Dany, fire and dragons on the cover, at least show her nursing the three hatchlings in the embers of the bonfire with her hair burnt off. The rest of the art, including the book cover of part 2, looks perfectly fine and is in tune with the wonderful story. It just bugs me that they (or Ted) made such a poor choice with the most important picture of them all, the cover.
  21. Well.. I hope it didn't take him 4 years to get the cover painted. I mean - a dragon breathing fire on a naked girl - can you get any more generic? It looks like a run of-the-mill fantasy novel, and a cheap one to boot, which A Game of Thrones is decidedly not. From all the MM/SP covers so far this is certainly the worst and almost deterred me from buying.
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