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Everything posted by karaddin

  1. Yup that ^ We didn't see who did it back in ep1 and Loki only realized he needed to do it as he was walking up behind ep1!Loki. I was a bit confused why Loki was suddenly holding the device from the 1st ep that was showing him if it was still OK to do it or not, but that was the signal that it was ep1!Loki.
  2. Not sure if you're just talking about a couple of characters in PL with the "balking at killing" bit, I don't remember others in the rest of the game, but I think V's reaction there is mainly about it being an execution rather than a fight combined with They might be highly proficient in what they do and criminals, but they're not combatants as such so they're not in the "game" in quite the same way. I think you can go through the entire game without killing anyone as well, in which case that V is going to quite extreme lengths to avoid killing people. I can't bring myself to let scavs live though so that isn't my V lol.
  3. What the hell are you getting on a discount on with this endorsement? This thread doesn't sell a fish auto feeder.
  4. Why on earth would you want to be convinced not to enjoy a show you currently enjoy? That's not a desire for an echo chamber, that's a desire for your entertainment to stay entertaining. Pointing out major flaws like that is something to engage in when you're discussing how worthy something is as art, or trying to rank something against other shows/movies, but when you're engaging with something as a form of entertainment then looking for conversations to enhance your entertainment is a rational perspective. Insisting on tearing shit down can come across as intellectual masturbation to feel smarter than others/show creators and it's certainly something I engaged in when I was younger, so I've got a negative response to anything that comes off remotely like that as I know how annoying I used to be.
  5. Personally I want to see what happens with the next corpo war (probably) about to kick off. Not sure if I want to be involved or to have another personal story like V's against that back drop, maybe both? Give me more Cyberpunk games, more I say. If they add as many songs for the radio in a sequel as they had in this first game, they can keep the current ones at a lower rate of circulation and have twice as much music to make it feel more alive as well.
  6. It's just not an enjoyable form of discussion to me. You're within your rights to both hold the views of the show you do and to express them here, but (at least for me) there's no value in trying to discuss them with you because there's no room for either of us to sway the other on fundamental questions of what we enjoy. So I mostly choose not to engage with your posts - to the point of barely skimming at this point. I think that works for me with my enjoyment of the thread, I don't need to use the ignore feature and it's a "this thread" thing rather than a "you" thing. I suspect others would probably find this a more amenable approach than continuing to bridge this particular divide. I'm pretty sure you're entirely ok with this approach as well? You don't feel you're owed the debate.
  7. I think the non-lore argument in favour of continuing with Night City is that they invested so much in the architectural design of the city. I'd love to see them expand it and fill in more of the vertical space etc, but there's too much there to just throw it away. Especially if they've got a somewhat effective way for exporting assets from Red Engine and importing into UE5.
  8. Personally the prudishness of the Two Rivers folk was more of a bug than a feature, I hated that shit and I'm glad to leave it behind. It's not surprising that if you share their view of morality rather than mine that you'd dislike this though, you got to enjoy the way it was in the books and I'll enjoy the way it is in the show. You realize that Moiraine had exactly the same amount of agency as Rand right? Her entire season arc was manipulated by Lanfear into doing exactly what she wanted. If you don't like Lanfear pulling that off its fine, but its not some agenda to empower the women and laugh at the men when the 'good' female character is just as much of a puppet. I can certainly see his personality/backstory being fused with one of the other Forsakens location and actions, we really only need 1 Forsaken suffering LTT envy syndrome. You could probably make fusing him with Asmodean work as well. I'm doubting we have Dashiva as an OG Forsaken though, although I'm basing that on my continuing assumption of Taimandred. If Taim stays as a neo Forsaken then I guess having Aginor still hanging in the Black Tower can work.
  9. You have to pick certain dialogue options in the conversation after the 3rd race to be able to convince her later on, so that would be why it didn't work.
  10. I saw the president of a synagogue in Detroit was found dead somewhere after having been "apparently" stabbed in her house. The reporting I saw was very early so it wasn't clear if she'd been trying to escape before dying or the body was moved, just that there was a clear trail back to her house. There was also no immediate sign of forced entry, but given her status in her community she would have been used to answering her door to people she may not know. Obviously given the early info it's possible this will turn out to be yet another victim of partner violence or something along those lines, but it's also possible that it's either another case of the anger from this situation spilling over into violence elsewhere. It's also possible that it's some bigot that hates both sides of this conflict using the opportunity to kill off a member of a group they hate. So as someone that's critical of the Israeli government's actions in Gaza - fuck anyone that's taking the verbal defence of civilians just trying to live their lives as agreement with their murderous agenda. We are not on the same page regardless of which group you want to kill, and I will continue to strive to make my arguments in a way that can't be construed as any sort of agreement.
  11. My reaction to this is the same as Wert's - my familiarity with that phrase is absolutely not about people that don't want Israel to exist. This group in Sydney uses it to describe themselves https://x.com/tzedekcollectiv?t=qmR6Xey-Jrr5D95P_PRhqA&s=09 And I'm friends with one of them - she's very outspoken and critical of Israels actions but absolutely supports it's existence, she's from Israel and most of her close family still live there. Do you see that description and think that's what that group actually wants, or do you accept that they're using it to mean something else? I'm a little confused why this bothers you so much, shouldn't the fact that this is so scary and world changing for someone to realize even an adult actually validate the fear you've dealt with? It doesn't strike me as invalidating in any way. If you just mean that you're jealous of getting to grow up without the weight of that knowledge then I understand but I don't think that is what you're saying?
  12. Really hammers home that what's killing her is the impact on her brain, most of the rest of the vital organs look gone already.
  13. Some of them are fine, some of them ask you to drive 3km in 1 minute in a Mackinaw
  14. So Ran and I had quite different reactions to Song with Ran It does make me wonder if that's influencing why I think she's such a great foil for V's story.
  15. Preemptively bombing a passage to prevent anyone bringing supplies through is the state equivalent of punching a hole in the wall next to someone's head so you can gaslight them about how you didn't touch them. You're blockading supplies from 2m civilians that you've also cut off fuel, food, electricity and most (all?) water. I'm not sure on the water situation, last I saw was the pipes were open but that it was functionally useless without electricity to run the pumps. And if you have not just air domination and fire control, but are actually bombing the area then you're as much in control of it as anyone else so that border with Egypt isn't much use even if Egypt was inclined to be a whole lot more helpful.
  16. I think the Sandra Dorsett trigger isn't proactively firing ATM, but I picked up her databank when I did the gig in the same building for Regina and I just had to call Sandra and the quest continued like it's supposed to. So if you've picked it up try giving her a call.
  17. I just don't see how any military response even if it, in an extraordinary twist of unlikely events, actually manages to achieve it's objective of completely wiping out the current Hamas can be seen as actually ending the violence when it's accompanied by catastrophic "collateral" damage and cutting off food and water to over 2 million civilians - guaranteeing the future birth of a "son of Hamas". That's not ending the problem, it's committing terrible actions to kick the can down the road. ETA: Id missed that there were 2 more pages of posts, this was meant right after Crixus a couple of pages back.
  18. I really struggled the first time on balanced, struggled on tactician the 2nd time but breezed through it the 3rd. I guess I did improve over time lol
  19. I think I'd say catastrophic climate change is part of the setting, but only a backdrop to the story. The world has been utterly fucked by it, but humanity failing to address it was a foregone conclusion and they didn't even try. Not sure about the table top setting of course where a lot of it is back in what is now our time, but by 2077 it feels like its just a really depressing take on where we could wind up - denialists win, everything goes to shit so whats the point in even trying.
  20. A warning on spirit guardians if you're playing on tactician: there's a whole chunk of the game you'd think would be weak to radiant damage (a huge chunk of act 2 for example) which actually have a thorns style buff only for radiant damage so you can do a lot of damage to yourself by accident if you're not paying attention. I managed to one shot my MC at 120hp with a crit smite on one such enemy.
  21. What's the actual point of divergence from history? It's already diverged by the 80s and Saburo Arasaka fought in WW2 so I've assumed its probably related to him and the founding of Arasaka in the couple of decades after WW2 but actually have no idea.
  22. I think I reread TGD and ToM before aMoL but even that was 11 years ago now lol. I'm definitely not remembering lots of the details, particularly most of what Perrin.
  23. If you do Taimandred then that whole ending is changed up anyway. Egwene and Gawyn fighting him as a pair with Egwene spontaneously doing her burn out immediately after Gawyn dies could work. Of course that means Lan doesn't take him out which would outrage some, but you're going to need to move things around if there isn't a separate M'Hael.
  24. A sword heated up to the point it melts the blade isn't going to ash the whole corpse like that, but it is going to make an absolute mess of the heart and surrounding areas of the chest even before you take into account a bunch of molten steel left in the wound. That does pass a higher mortality bar than a shank and a bloody smile. It does make me wonder if decapitation or massive brain trauma would have done the job, was the issue just that Moiraine doesn't have enough physical strength to inflict the necessary wounds?
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