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Clout_in_the_ear's Achievements


Commoner (1/8)

  1. RT @jgaspar95: GUESS WHO GOT A PUPPY FOR CHRISTMAS!!!! not me my parents hate me

  2. WOW! Robert De Niro has wished @r2yi2 an early Happy Birthday http://t.co/om3EGsjimk

  3. I'm watching your kids grow up on facebook.

  4. MW3 and Skyrim early release party in my bedroom. No one is invited.

  5. The crab Mac from stuggy's is a hotdog with Mac n' cheese laced with lump crab meat. Best thing I've ever ate. http://t.co/oljuto5e

  6. Just flashed my new dvd burner with iXtreme Burner Max firmware. Testing it with backup copy of Battlefield 3.

  7. I asked Siri on Ellice's new iPhone 4S to sing me a song, and it sung "Daisy Daisy" like HAL in 2001: a Space Odyssey. Creepy!

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