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Everything posted by ViserionsFire

  1. Selmy has been the eyes to provide background of Aerys reign, including events when Tywin was Hand. Just because he hasn't let us know many of the background mysteries that are still outstanding, doesn't mean he he won't in the future. Also, currently he rules in Dany's absence. His POV gives insight into who may well become the decision maker as well as the power behind Dany's army. If all goes his way in Meereen, even when Dany reunites with him, she may ask him to take a separate path then the one she travels when they head to Westeros. Therefore providing his own storyline and need for POV.
  2. Yes, I agree. My impression when reading the chapter was that even though Robb's Bannermen tried to protect him, the tragedy was the Frey's and Bolton betrayal and the brutal killing of both Robb and Cat. The amount of expense that HBO would have to shell out to create the book image of the RW would be astronomical. I think they did a great job of transferring what the book intent and feeling was to the screen. Remember, there are only a few pages dedicated to the betrayal in the book, and the screen time provided opportunities for everyone in the scene to give convincing performances. That the scenes focus was primarily on Cat, allowed her to give a terrific performance in revealing first her anger, then her desperation, and eventually turning numb with grief. I read this chapter a couple of months ago, and other than the Talisa part, I think they really followed the book. The part where Arya gets within the Castle grounds to see how Robb's Bannermen were killed was different than the the book. But,this may add to her characters development which has grown immensely during the past 2 seasons.
  3. The RW was Epic, one of the most disturbing scenes ever put on television. I re-read the chapter a couple of months ago, and the scene played out nearly as I remembered it in the book. I have to give lot's of credit for getting it pitch perfect. I was watching it with a mother-to-be who was invested in the Stark retribution. She was demoralized. I also got goose bumps with the exchanges between Arya and Sandor. "I'm going to put a blade in your eye" Arya must make Clegane wonder what little shedevil he's got on his hands. This young one is someone who talks to him without fear, threatens him, and is able to deter him from being his naturally ruthless self (like how she stopped him from killing the farmer with his goods). Each season, Arya's character has developed exponentially. The first season she was playing the little tough girl. The second season she was living the tough girl to survive the likes of Tywin's bunch. This season, she has grown beyond the little girl into actually being a young woman that can look into the soul and stare down the toughest man in Westeros. What a future we're going to be getting in the next few seasons
  4. It's interesting that the TV producers haven't included prophesies given to Cercei by Maggy the Frog and those given to Dany by Quaithe as well as those from woodswitch the "Ghost of High Heart" in the series. The prophesies that came from them contribute greatly to the book forums. Cercei reflects on Maggy's prophesy, I don't think Arya has reflected on the woodswitch's comments to her yet, but she may soon with the direction she's heading. Dany is puzzled over Quaithe's prophesies, and would like clarification. In the books, the prophesies given have come true and form the basis for these characters decisions.
  5. As far a Barristan coming to his demise during the battle for Meereen, I'm having a hard time believing that. So far, he's one of the few remaining people in the book and the only POV of someone present that can give testimony to the critical events since Aegon at Summerhall, how Aery's came to the throne, what really happened at Harrenhall and the possible likelihood regarding several plot lines that were developed in ADwD (Griff, YG and possibly Lemore). Further, he is part of the Illyrio connection as are Dany and Tyrion which I think may start to draw Tyrion's suspicion as to who Illyrio is if that is brought to light. If during the battle, Vic starts plowing through everyone, whether they are on the Yunkish side or on Dany's, perhaps Ben Plumm may have already turned to Dany's camp and he and Tyrion help rescue Barristan from Vic's onslaught.
  6. I wonder if Brienne bringing Jaime to Lady Stoneheart is a plotline to inform Stoneheart of the betrayal that Petyr Baelish has done to all that she holds dear. I believe that Jaime knew that Baelish sent a girl pretending to be Arya Stark to the Bolton's. Word must have gone out and Jaime must have heard that Baelish has also pronounced himself to be the guardian of “Sweet Robin” Arryn and Lord Protector of the Vale after Lysa’s death. This is information that Lady Stoneheart would not be aware of and once she finds out she may determine that Baelish’s maneuverings are not from someone as dear as a “little brother” but that he has been conspiring against all she has loved since Robert Arryn’s death. Also, Lady Stoneheart doesn’t know that “Oathkeeper” was reforged from “Ice.” This may not appear to be a big reveal, but the sentiment that the sword of House Stark being reforged to be a Lannister heirloom will probably add to her anger. So, Jaime arriving with information is a plot line that moves Lady Stoneheart towards a confrontation with Peryr.
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