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Mummer's wind

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  1. I think everyone involved appreciates the magnitude and importance. Mr. Martin is writing it, too.
  2. Perhaps Jamie's even-more-villainous TV persona will set him up for an even stronger redemption arc. That said, why the hell would he kill Cleos when beating him up would accomplish the same goal?
  3. Good point, Isabella. It might actually be fun to see another, different take on the battle from Mr. Martin.
  4. Karstark's execution won't happen on the show, mark my words. He's served his purpose already expediting Jaime's release.
  5. I really hope that when they get to the Battle of Blackwater they follow Davos for the moments when Tyron's trap (whatever it ends up being... Cersei's barge or some old hulks just full of wildfire?) is sprung. That part of the book was very effective, as he saw how things were going to play out just a moment before disaster struck.
  6. Cersei did also mention that the only people in the world she loved were her children and that mothers don't have a choice.
  7. I didn't even think of the Dragonglass! Perhaps Sam will find it.
  8. The lack of Tyron's chain is disconcerting. I thought it was a really nice culmination of his story in CoK, showing that his mind really was his greatest weapon. Part of its impact was the lead-up to the chain's reveal, so I'm thinking there's probably no way they'll include it this season. CGI-ing a bunch of burning ship-hulks piled against a chain and being pushed by a river's current is probably a little bit outside the budgetary scope of this adaptation. Also, there's no way that Dagmer *is* Ramsay ... that barely makes sense ... but he sure is playing Ramsay's devil-on-Theon's-shoulder role thus far this season. He seems to be able to control him by giving him an expression that says "That's not Ironborn tough!" I'm guessing they'll drop that little thread. They've had to rush the Rob's camp story a little bit (case in point, Jaime being sprung now) and I suspect they included Karstark as both an impetus for freeing the Kingslayer and as a bit of a nod to book-readers.
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