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Noelle Snow

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Everything posted by Noelle Snow

  1. Thank you! I thought it was actually a pretty great scene.
  2. I already know book fans are going to be all up in arms but I thought this was a great episode. Yes, I too was disappointed in the HotU scene. I think even if they couldn't include the visions as they were (too much given away in a visual medium), I think they at least should have had the prophecies. They stick with her through the rest of the series so I don't know why they didn't have it included. Visually gorgeous though. I also think if R+L=J and we get that far in the series, there aren't nearly enough clues in the show for that to make sense for show fans (Unsullied notwithstanding since they really study every scene). How people can be complaining about the end scene astounds me. I thought it was perfect! Just because the WW didn't try and kill Sam in that exact moment doesn't mean that he just walked by him and let him go. I'm sure they'll do the dragonglass attack at the very beginning of the season next year. I'm not even going to get into the whole Robb/Cat/Talisa thing because that's probably the one thing I'm annoyed that they changed so much. Overall though, I think it served very well as a finale.
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