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HenryPotter's Achievements


Commoner (1/8)

  1. Putting in the CG models now. It just got real! 5 pages of a market scene and there's tons of details to work and plant!

  2. Get a lot of my books via PDF on your tablet! :) https://t.co/uHuCEIx2EY

  3. AS the year closes, I take stock of the losses and wins. 2015 was a bad year financially. A good year for friends and family, though.

  4. Good morning to all! A week of creating comics is ahead of me. May you all have a good week. Make time for loved ones!

  5. @soulless009 @callouscomics That drawing clipboard has hosted many a sexy commission over the years. heheh!

  6. posted new Courageous Princess pages: http://t.co/PceSzJmQ

  7. Courageous Princess pages can now be seen on my site:http://t.co/PceSzJmQ

  8. Healthcare: My boss: room w/ 3 sick guys. My uncle in LA; rm w/ 1 other sick man. My Philippine granny? own RM w/ toilet N bath- $30/night.

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