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Jaime -im not so bad- L

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Everything posted by Jaime -im not so bad- L

  1. the complaints listed so far in this thread are trivial, so much nitpicking. Ros scenes dont matter, this is the only thing they could do without, although they needed someone in the brothel, a POV to show the baby die. The cersei/ Littlefinger scene was not from the book, not a big deal, i think it was the nicest way for littlefinger to tell cersei to go fuck herself, and then for cersei to fuck him right back. Joffery is the best acted by far. Robb/Jaime scene was awesome. ever stop to think the pace was slow because the book was slow. and Craster's keep, was down sized to save money, also they didnt make him hideous for the same reason they didnt make tyrion, people dont want to see it. it would make non-book readers say fuck looking at that for an hour. maybe i have watched one to many christopher nolan films, because i thought the pace was fine, with this many characters if u dont jump around alot people will have to wait a week to see what most characters are up to, i for one find it hard enough to wait an hour let alone a week for anything.
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