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Everything posted by AnnaC

  1. First post and I'm going to get shot... oh well. HOTU - my non reader friend and I were equally perpelxed as to the point, apart from Jason Momoa of course... Apparently Jon and the Halfand did have some kind of 'understanding', however we both missed that too :( Clearly I'm a moron because I noticed things from previous episodes for the first time in the 'last episode' bit. friend: is that a white walker? me: I guess so, they just look different now... friend: horns? me: uggh remeber how how Lord Bolton sent his bastard to retake winterfell? No. the guy that I told you likes to flay people. Yeah cool they're the horn blowers who are here to save winterfell. Why is Winterfell burned? Yeaaah, I guess they skipped that part... basically Ramsay Snow's an asshole. Who the fuck is Ramsay Snow and why did he burn down Winterfell? Nevermind. Robb is a complete idiot and I hope he dies. Yeah the next season will be awesome. You should read the books... Fuck the books, there's TV! :( Sam: I'll just hide behind this rock. White walker: he's behind a rock. immortal force field engaged. ignore target. and before I get killed, My fave characters are Arya, Sandor and Jaime, in no particular order. I effin love show Arya and Jaime, just think Sandor has been utterly destroyed.
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