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Ser Scot A Ellison

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Everything posted by Ser Scot A Ellison

  1. But not enough to claim that all Christians, by virtue of being Christian, are jointly responsible for Trump.
  2. I’m a Christian I’ve never been “in bed” with Trump. I know lots and lots of Church goers who have objected to Trump from the start.
  3. Fair. I refer to it as “fanfiction” because it tends to piss off the KJA defenders in other locales. They are quite numerous in other online locations…
  4. He’s allowing his beliefs to override his critical thinking skills…
  5. Everyone here agrees that only Frank Herbert wrote “Dune” and that the fanfiction by KJA sucks… correct?
  6. No. But sincerely holds his very conservative evangelical beliefs. People can be, and are, incorrect without being “dumb”.
  7. This fellow is more thoughtful than most and we’ve had these discussions over the phone from time to time. He’s sincere in his beliefs and sincere in how he interacts.
  8. That seems to be his view… as long as it is a Christian doctrine (that he agrees with).
  9. It’s substitutionary attonment writ large. I dislike “substitutionary attonement”
  10. I thought he would be more likely to see my point if a law was passed restricting religious practice generally.
  11. I continue to argue with a friend and fraternity Brother who appears to believe there is nothing wrong with using religious justifications for statutes passed on the State or Federal level. He doesn’t see how a law using Christian justifications for its restrictions and criminal sanctions is a violation of non-Christians “Free Exercise” rights. I’m trying a different tact. I’m asking him if he would object to an atheist legislator proposing to redefine child abuse to include religious education of people under the age of 18. He hasn’t responded yet.
  12. The ones who do full body contortions to claim “what you do unto the least of these you do unto me” doesn’t mean what those whiney lefties want to claim it means?
  13. Do they have “yes I’m ignorant” tattooed on their foreheads as well?
  14. The complete contradiction of supporting Trump and being Christian is incredibly disturbing to me. Yet… on it goes.
  15. :facepalm: ”Patriotic Churches” always seem contradictory to me. Christ wasn’t an American. He didn’t (per our beliefs) come to save only the US and its citizens. Yet… it seems like many Evangelical Christians think just that. :facepalm: (thank you for the link I plan to read)
  16. I closed the site and then came back. Haven’t seen it sence doing that.
  17. I got blocked by an Evangelical Trump supporter last night who refused to believe I was Christian because I stand firmly behind the idea that the “Free Exercise” clause necessarily protects the right of people to be free from compelled religious beliefs. He seems to believe it means he should be free to force people to worship as he does because that is his “belief”. The idea that it protects all beliefs went right over his head and really pissed him off.
  18. That’s a somewhat different situation. People adding cult like religious aspects to various philosophies happens. That in no way justifies a person of faith insisting that atheism (the antithesis of holding religious beliefs…) is “in fact” a religious belief. I maintain that is demeaning, insulting, and ridiculous. Believers do not get to determine what non-believers “really believe”.
  19. With Finland and Sweden in NATO doesn’t that make defending the Baltics a more realistic prospect?
  20. It’s bullshit. It is an attempt to deny choice to people who sincerely don’t believe. It’s wrong…
  21. The lack of religious faith… isn’t itself “religious faith”. I say that as a church going Christian. It really bothers me when people of my faith, or any faith, try to tell an atheist that they are “in fact religious…”
  22. Tracker, You saw my rather pointed criticism of my friend and co-religionist who claims “atheism is really a religious belief”? Or so I hope.
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