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Everything posted by maarsen

  1. I am surprised that someone as well read as you doesn't know the great Canadian mystery writer Ross MacDonald. He wrote the Lew Archer series of mystery novels that are considered some of the best ever written.
  2. Why would the police complain about legalization of cannabis? Here in Canada they were for it as it relieved them of work that meant nothing in the long run.
  3. We keep her hair shorter than that as she does smell when she gets wet. She will swim occasionally but prefers to just wade.
  4. She likes to wade in Georgian Bay as long as the waves are not too big.
  5. My dog is a black Puli. I have had her now for over 10 years and I find her photogenic except for the fact that when her hair is long it is hard to tell which end is which. Here is an example of the breed. https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.1zTHL17dCCzC-OvgAgx22wHaE8%26pid%3DApi&f=1
  6. Didn't some obscure Dutch painter try and fail to make a living trying to paint in Provence? We can't forget the Dutch. they turn up everywhere.
  7. Thanks for the recommendations. I will look out for Sir Nigel.
  8. Well I must say I do love good historical fiction. I, Claudius is still up there as one of my favorites. Arthur Conan Doyle was pretty hit and miss as I liked The White Company, but later efforts were meh to awful. The Flashman series makes any list along with Aubrey and Maturin, and Hornblower. Any other recommendations besides the usual suspects would be appreciated.
  9. The state has no business in the bedrooms of the nation. Pierre Elliot Trudeau
  10. I have a waited this long. I have been reasonable, not once uttering bad words about Harlan Ellison. Dammit I am excited though, whatever size it is.
  11. "He's from the shallow end of the gene pool." A supervisor I knew explaining the difference between two brothers.
  12. Where to start? All my life I have rebelled against authority. For my punishment I have become one. Albert Einstein Against stupidity the gods themselves contend in vain. Schiller Of course my signature quote also.
  13. I could write a book full of stories about trying to get my kids to sleep, There is even a chapter on dealing with monsters under the bed. When fighting the monster, don't make the sound effects too real.
  14. We know where else that mouth then wants to go.
  15. Hand in pocket? When I was young we called that playing pocket pool.
  16. She certainly is cute. Our Airedale's best friend was a Wheatie. When they saw each other at a distance they would get so excited and could not wait to be together. I think you made a great choice. All the best to both of you.
  17. So Airedales are still a go? Asking for a friend.
  18. Because you overhear her telling her little friends that daddy is getting fat because his penis is getting so much bigger.
  19. Ellison was a complicated man and over the last 50! years my opinion of him as been complicated also. He did help unknown and starting writers but he could also be such a complete asshole. I never met him but I have enjoyed the books so I guess I am on the fence.
  20. Why the pushback? Are people still pissed at Ellison? Personally, I was in my early teens when the first Dangerous visions was published and I absolutely loved it. It was so... transgressive. it appealed to my teenage anti-authoritarianism. Of course this was the 60s/70s and rebellion was in the air. But the stories were soo good! Writers I had never heard of were in those pages and have given me reading material for a life time. Will a final Dangerous Visions be able to do the same?
  21. I have been waiting for this book much longer than I have waited for The Winds of Winter.
  22. I have. I think it may have been an alternative spelling of Carrie or Kerry.
  23. I kept expecting them to bump into Mulder and Scully.
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