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Sellsword (3/8)

  1. Fear and loathing in D'Hara? "There he goes. One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die." "There was madness in any direction, at any hour. You could strike sparks anywhere. There was a fantastic universal sense that whatever we were doing was right, that we were winning."
  2. No attack just admiration. It is not new I just recently let it rise up inside of me. And now for you enjoyment a bland exchange in a generic place called Midland. Insurance Salesman of Truth C: = Customer I: = Insurance Salesman of Truth I: So as you can see with two armies raping and killing across the lands you will really need insurance one way or the other. I mean your daughters will be someone’s toy sooner or later but if you fit her with a chastity belt it might increase her chances of having someone thinking she has celery and not killing her out of frustration. Also it will lower your rate on your abortion clause of your policy. If you act now I’ll sell you the chastity belts for cheap! C: Alright let’s do it, even though I’ll probably be moving my family away from this war ridden area as it seems no matter who wins I get fucked over. I: Nonsense, with this new policy I am offering you can hedge your bet on who wins by guessing which faction will be the one to slaughter you and your fellow villagers for nothing more than sitting the battle out. C: I can collect money for the death, pain, and suffering of my family and fellow man? I: It’s the Midland way to exploit your neighbors for profit. You have to think of you unless you want to sign up for the profit sharing policy that some of your neighbor agreed to that way you all get to enjoy the gang rape benefits. C: Look I’ll do whatever is the cheapest I am really just trying to survive in this war torn area I don’t care what army of philosophy wins out I just want to not have my family slaughtered even if it gets me money. I: Careful there my friend you are starting to sound quite the lemming. Don’t look at it as losing your family, look at as making money, maybe. After all selfishness is the only true virtue. C: You are starting to freak me out and you lack of empathy or willingness to realize that you aren’t some kind of star is making my stomach turn. I: You need to realize that the “Searcher of Truth†is the only one who knows what is morally right for us all and the sooner you accept that the sooner your fate will be determined. Either you can resist and be killed and your lands salted or you can join the yeardites and if you survive being left leaderless and fighting naked in the freezing cold, maybe you could be turned into a plot device filled with straw to serve a purpose greater than yourself and if you are lucky you might even taste your own balls. C: Let me get this right, you are saying that no matter what I do my wife and children are as good as dead no matter which side I choose and since I am not the “Seacher of Truth†I could be killed at anytime for any reason, filled with straw or not, and the best I can hope for is to be turned into a cheap plot device and made to eat my own testicles? How much do I stand to make off of all this sickening convoluted mess? I: That really depends on you, I’ll write up your best chances to see cash money. C: That sounds great I can’t believe how much better I feel about this. Wait why am I agreeing to this and why do I have the urge to start collecting ears? I: Sounds like you have been selected to be the next Deus ex Machina stuffed with straw, it’s nothing I put in your tea. C: Great here is a big old pile of money I am off to live my life. I: Damn I forgot to sell him volcano insurance too. Oh well people are stupid I’ll get him next time.
  3. Is a bald yeard still a yeard, I mean if you lose your hair aren't you something less of a man. Ol' Dick would never lose his hair, I mean that would be like admititing defeat to nature. Now we know why Mystar is such a rampant fnatard he is just trying to protect his income source. Of course someone with such an obvious high level of intelect would never really like the yeard and his ilk, he is just feeding off of them and most likely trying to get Tairy's complete trust to take him down.
  4. Picks up the slow clap that you started for WLU @WLU You need some peanut butter to put on all that celery?
  5. We need Jordan to issue a fake press release stating that he has passed away while fighting off a home invader, the very next day we will hear that Tairy died 3 days earlier in a battle against the largest group off large breasted women not at the PLayboy mansion, but not before impregnanting every last one of them. At his funeral service we will hear bad dialogue about how RJ hired a man to come kill him to copy-cat TG and about living life to the fullest that life could be lived since you only get one and the greatest of men live their lives to make other peoples lives livable and life is to short not to live the best life so we are all losers for not living life like Tairy would want our lives to be lived. RJ will be found alive and he will have a real editor that will make him finish his Opus in ways that break all of our hearts.
  6. Richard was born as a simple Pit Bull. He was taller than most pit bulls. But the pit he faced tonight was taller than him. Despite the years of torture and abuse he believed in his noble spirit and would not do as his master wanted. In other circumstances this other pit might be his friend with ass sniffing exchanged with much delight. But he was about to be attack and he was not going to let himself be harmed. Despite never having fought before - having only heard about it from other dogs in his kennel - his rage was up and since he had such a strong belief in himself and knowing only he knew the truth of his character, how to truly live his life for living life is the only reason to live life and makes life worth living by living for life, he attacked with all his might and despite years of torture was able to take the other champion train pit bull down and win the fight with one melon size bite causing blood to bath him as a victory shower and Richard liked it he laughed his doggy laugh knowing that his life was worth living and he was alive to live his life to the fullest the life can be lived. The woman who tortured him was clad in one piece of highly shined leather it ran from her impressive crotch with a thick tong up the back that was split to cover her large chest pillows hit Richard for being too good and knowing that his life was to full of being lived to the fullest at all times even when he was sleeping. Her small daughter of 8 also started to beat him and threaten to kill him and rape his girlfriend whom he had loved all his life even thought they had just meet a few hours prior and as she was laughing he felt his thing rise up and his rage for his life that was worth living as only he could live the life that was worth living so he lunged with all his doggy might and mauled that 8 year old to shreds as the mother beat him and then he shat on the girls corpse and ran off into the night knowing that he had done the moral thing. Vicgang, the owner of the Kennel found out about what Richard had done and realized that his life might be in danger if Richard escaped the boundary put Richard's lover on the rape stand and for the next several days had dogs almost rape her only to have Richard come and kill the dogs, but somehow in the most unlikely and inane way she was always recaptured and placed back on the rape stand. Finally everyone but his lady love Klan got tired of the almost rape game and so Richard went to confront Vicgang once and for all to show him that his life was worth living to the most that life could be lived and that despite having no thumbs he could draw and make violins better than anyone who had ever lived, he was also a great fighter, lover, plumber, carpenter, teacher, chemist, doctor, engineer, civil rights leader, nascar driver, lion tamer, pirate, hair stylist, and most importantly he was an artist who inspired others to realize that all his works are about moral choices to make sure that all lives where lived to the fullest even though no life was so fully lived as his for only he could live his life to the fullest. Vicgang set many trials and battles in Richards way but with melon sized bites he fought his way though until finally surrounded by many other pit bulls who had no idea how to live life the way he could live life by living his life for his life to be worth living. Knowing he was out numbered Richard pretended to stretch in the down dog style and as the gaurds dogs relaxed he killed them like he was dancing, as dancing was breathing and breathing was sleeping and sleeping was like being born and nothing he had done before could have made him any happier than killing all of the pit bulls before hamstringing Vicgang. With curses so foul that Richard wanted to lick him self clean Vicgang was forced to the rape stand and there he was to stay and for all time to be raped by all passer by for they knew he was lame and didn't know how to live life for life that is worth living in all the ways life has to be lived everytime life is lived by the living.
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