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Promethium Wings

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Everything posted by Promethium Wings

  1. Remarkably good Dorne content considering what we got in certain earlier episodes. And the scene in the arena was good, it would have been better if Drogon had seemed more of a threat to Dany and Tyrion et al first, before she calmed him or something. But what was that firestorm we same when Drogon appeared, was he just squirting flame while flying or was there some point to it? Furthermore: https://promethiumwings.wordpress.com/2015/06/08/game-of-thrones-s5e09-review/
  2. Am I the only one who thinks that Meryn Trant might go the way of Raff the Sweetling in Braavos? Or at least I got that impression, along with the following: https://promethiumwings.wordpress.com/2015/05/04/game-of-thrones-s5e4-review/
  3. Probably the best episode in this season so far, I liked it though I have a few small objections. More on that: https://promethiumwings.wordpress.com/2015/05/04/game-of-thrones-s5e4-review/
  4. People seem to be taking Varys at his word with regards to anything he says to Tyrion this season, if he says he is for Dany he is for Dany and there will be no Aegon, that tripe about saving "our country" from Robert was honest etc. You really shouldn't be doing that, Tyrion is not the dying Kevan Lannister of the ADWD epilogue, there is no reason to believe he in the show is getting the full story. As for this episode as a whole: https://promethiumwings.wordpress.com/2015/04/27/game-of-thrones-s5e3-review/
  5. I gave it an 8/10, on a scale where the best episodes so far have gotten 9 or maybe 10 and the worst ones in the show so far maybe 4 (think early season 2). The stuff at the wall on it's own raises every episode in this season so far by one point: https://promethiumwings.wordpress.com/2015/04/27/game-of-thrones-s5e3-review/
  6. I liked everything in this episode except for the Sansa/Brienne deal. The whole episode is shaping up to be significantly better than I would have guessed.But why in the hell is it that Cersei knew what was in the box before it was opened? More in depth analysis: https://promethiumwings.wordpress.com/2015/04/20/game-of-thrones-s5e5/
  7. I'd say it's the second or third best season premiere, definitively beats nr 2 while falling behind number 1. As for the discussion above about Loras, I'm fairly certain his main role in this season is to somehow get the ball rolling with regards to the trial of Margery, and then go die or get injured at Dragonstone or somewhere else to leave her without a champion. I also wrote a more detailed review, that anyone interested can find here: https://promethiumwings.wordpress.com/2015/04/13/game-of-thrones-a-review-of-the-season-5-premiere/
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