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Everything posted by WeStillKnowNothingJonSnow

  1. disappointed with the fight scene. only about 4 minutes long. and where are the limbs of the spectators the mountain took off? could have been much more cinematic
  2. man the unsullied must have been ecstatic when viper put the mountain down. i remember when i was. grrm the troll lol
  3. no fight? makes sense i guess since 9th episode is always the climax. kind of misleading by the title though...
  4. it seems all the same although different from book, establishing sansa's new found wit and cunning
  5. saying sister instead makes more since for the nonreaders. are they gonna pick up on "cat" instantly????
  6. "i only loved one woman...your sister". smooth tagline to end the show
  7. sansa slapped him like he was joffrey. although he sort of is joffrey...
  8. it would be prepostorous to omit that scene! i bet its the very last scene of the season
  9. oberyn is one of the few sympathizers for tyrion, too bad it doesnt last long :(
  10. "dont go telling people we are looking for starks" aye a foreshadowing...
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