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Everything posted by briantw

  1. Hey, she made it through The Shield. Although her character's career got murdered pretty spectacularly.
  2. I'm actually fairly certain the reason she's giving her daughter V is so that threats to her daughter's safety can't be used against her any more.
  3. I haven't read the comics, so anything I throw out is just spitballing. But the logical reason to introduce a superhero who can take away the powers of other superheroes is to use him to kill Homelander, who thus far has been effectively indestructible. Also, the theme of this season so far seems to be "be careful what you wish for," and so I could easily see Homelander getting killed only for Soldier Boy, or perhaps a mad with power Butcher, to be even worse.
  4. A-Train's energy drink commercial was amazing.
  5. I figured that, seeing as he's obviously going to be a parody of Captain America, he's pretty clearly been frozen in some capacity.
  6. It's also the performance. The eyes that seemed to be screaming even as he was smiling for the cameras was a nice touch, and just in general Homelander has such a wonderful sense of menace appropriate to someone who could literally kill anyone any time he wanted if he chose to.
  7. Antony Starr's acting on this show is fantastic. He stands out in every scene he's in and he's capable of being goddamn terrifying.
  8. His accent when he says, "I have grown quite weary" kills me.
  9. It wouldn't let me embed the full video.
  10. He was great on that episode of Always Sunny where Charlie takes the pills that make him more smarter.
  11. Easily the worst part of the show. It's like they asked the question, "How can we make Baby Yoda suck?"
  12. The show is at least making some efforts to turn Master Chief into an actual character with, like, human emotions and stuff. In the games he’s mostly just a cipher who drops a line here or there but mostly just goes and kills shit silently. Some probably argue that goes against the story in the games and, while I can’t say they’re wrong, the story in the games has never been anything special and I don’t have the attachment to it or the game’s characters that I have to those in better games. Alyx from Half-Life 2 is a better character than every Halo character combined.
  13. It might depend on how you feel about the Halo property. I've never really given a shit about it or its lore, so whatever inconsistencies the show is throwing out there literally could not mean less to me. The show isn't amazing or anything, but it seems like a reasonably competent sci-fi action show. Ah, that makes sense. I was thinking that the concept of the eels was familiar but I didn't remember specifically fighting them, so I guess that's why. I played a bit of Halo Infinite, but I don't think there were any Hunters in the section I played.
  14. Are those eel things from the games? I don't remember ever fighting anything like that. But I also haven't played a full Halo game since Reach, I think. That or the third game...whichever came later.
  15. Watching episode two. Nice to see them bring in Murphy from The Expanse, and in basically the exact same role.
  16. I thought the first episode was fine. Nothing special, but it satisfies that sci-fi itch reasonably well with The Expanse over and done.
  17. I think a lot of it was his substance abuse issues. They made him tough for companies to trust.
  18. Thirty years also gives them ample time to reproduce and populate their military with younger talent.
  19. And as far as Clarissa goes, they could easily just say that she beat her projection and is somehow still alive. That's not unheard of.
  20. Plus the authors of the books are both fairly involved with the show, aren't they?
  21. They might work differently if you're unknowingly dosed with them while you're starving and in a traumatic situation. The only times I've done them, it's been with friends and I very much knew what I was doing.
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