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  1. Actually I think he would. I think the Sansa of the books would never have this dynamic. If you recall, Tyrion always tries reaching out to Sansa and he tries talking to her and getting through to her multiple times. To me, what just happened in this episode is probably a tad bit more like what Tyrion in the book would have wanted their dynamic to be like.
  2. You think they're gonna have both of those scenes? Won't people find that a bit redundant?
  3. 6. I thought the daenerys scene was very anticlimatic and didn't really live up to the grandeur that it had in my head when I was reading it. I thought the Arya scene was good, but when you think about it in terms of what it was SUPPOSED to be, at the inn, and where she savagely stabs the guy while repeating the questions he asked when he had tortured people, it sucked. Why didn't she get needle back? It just looks like she felt like stabbing the guy in the back, I don't know. No one seems to be talking about the new Sansa/Tyrion dynamic. I personally LOVED it and their walk and conversation was my favorite scene of the entire episode. Sure, it's not like the books, but that's what I liked about it. I've always wanted them to have a friendly relationship and the fact that their conversation happened there made me really happy. I wish there would've been more on her reaction to finding out her family's death rather than her having a puffy face and him walking away. All in all, it had a good few scenes that made me gasp or smile, but in the end, I felt like it could've been a second, third, or sixth episode in terms of how epic it was. I wish there had been more. Something, anything.
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