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Everything posted by TheButcherCrow

  1. Joffrey Lannister/Hill/Baratheon was crowned King of Westeros, sat the Iron throne and whatever you may want to say about Joffrey's parentage, Tommen was still his heir. By my reckoning that makes Lancel next in line. To clarify, you say that the Baratheon brothers could be heirs but they are dead and you discount Dany because her house was overthrown. Technically the Baratheon line was also overthrown, it was just done in a much more shady fashion. Anyway the question is pretty much moot as a leader without any followers is just a guy talking a walk.
  2. If you want to read the old ones on GRRM's website (they are replaced when a new one comes out) try this. Just paste the URL of the sample page from George's website and then select a date and boom, cached web pages.
  3. that's up there with, "where is Benjen?" :) I'd say Greywater Watch is as good a place as any for bone-Ned to be chillin' :dunno:
  4. the children were Varys' "little birds". Why did he have them deliver the coup de grace? I don't have a clue, it could be as simple as it making for a super-creepy scene.
  5. apologies, thought you meant after. Either those were Ironborn killed taking the castle or they were Bolton men killed trying to take the castle, most likely both. So many things. Mostly I think Tyrion was wondering why his father & sister wanted to crush him like Orson did those beetles, seemingly for no reason.
  6. That and it speaks to the futility of attempting to discern reason within the chaotic. People die and there is no reason for it and you can waste your life searching for one.
  7. I get real sad sometimes, I watch an episode like that, absolutely love it and then come on here and it's getting hate for no good reason.
  8. I'm sure by "entertaining" you meant "awkward & embarrassing for all involved" :)
  9. They are so far away from the books now that getting mad about it is literally ridiculous. This episode was the random mutation that created a new species. They are officially two utterly separate entities now. we have moved into Peter Jackson territory. Personally I loved it, I like not knowing exactly what is going to happen. It's almost like getting to enjoy something, the same thing, for the first time, twice. Ask any drug addict, that's the dream :)
  10. Treason wouldn't be for Kettleblack, he was after Robert died and she did the time for that crime with the walk of shame. If it's alleged she had sex with Lancel while Robert was alive then that's your treason. As for Marge, she's still on trial so obv everybody didn't recant.
  11. 2.0 and who is supposed to be involved? Thanks! Spoiler There is a Frey Wedding due to be happening at the Twins, I believe. Many think that Stoneheart & the BwB will be crashing the party.
  12. Can't speak to the nudity (I'm generally in favour) but a good leeching is hardly disturbing. Throughout the history of time 17 bazillion men have had a leech stuck to their cocks, it's hardly life threatening or in fact that sore. Spare a thought for poor Theon, what he wouldn't give right now to have a leech attached to his knob. Well, truth be told there may very well be a leech attached to his cock but the point is that Theon wouldn't know if there were and that's just wrong.
  13. Like dammit!! LIKE!!! The above is made all the funnier by the post that directly follows it: I do not judge. Funny is funny.
  14. Lol, ikr? "Father, I've traded Sansa Stark for one of our cousins. I forget which one, we do seem to have so many." Cut to Tyrion's head on a spike, Tywin looks up at it & threatens to smile...
  15. I thought that too. She literally tells Cersei in episode 1 that she is 13. So if she had just turned 13 then & she is just about to turn 15 now, that would be a maximum of 1 year 11 months between the feast at Winterfell & Sansa's wedding. It's possible I suppose?
  16. Pray tell, how does one establish Sansa's motives in not kneeling without access to her thoughts? There is no way to do it that doesn't stink of bad writing. The only way I can think of to do it would be to have had a scene where Shae tells Sansa not to kneel (thus making it Shae's idea, not Sansa's) or have Sansa say to Shae, "I will not kneel for him, they have taken everything from me, they shall not have that". Either way, it kinda sucks.
  17. Well in the books it was Ramsay who came up with the whole "switcheroo" in the first place, he was disguised as Reek remember?
  18. So was Locke just carrying that container filled with horse piss around for ages just waiting for the perfect moment to "bazinga" Jaime?
  19. I don't know much about CGI but I can tell you that in Buffy every time they showed a vamp changing from human-face to vamp-face it cost $5000 & that is a pissy little effect. I'm guessing the dragons cost a fecking fortune. A lot of folks have raised the "when will Sam off Puddles?" question & some folks seem concerned it may not happen. I am not overly concerned. Someone HAS to stab an Other with a DG dagger, they have to find out what that shit does or else there was literally no point in them even finding it at The Fist. I'm guessing the Slayer scene will become an adapted version of the scene in not-Whitetree when Sam ganks Small Paul.
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