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Jace, Extat

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Everything posted by Jace, Extat

  1. Somebody has to Anyway, I literally like ten seconds ago realized that Wade's profile pic is of that Santos character. Because somebody posted the same photo in another thread
  2. Yes That's what he said They think that's cool It makes them feel powerful Are you confused? They feel powerful because ^that^ dynamic? That dynamic is power. And it takes more than an infinite list of buzzwords and optimistic appraisals (repeat, repeat, repeat, repeat) to do something about it. One might even want to... double their efforts... if they wanted to make an actual difference instead of a digital one. I don't even need to know the truthiness of this particular claim to tell ya that, playa. I live in the real fucking world.
  3. "Male-supremacy" What is it with the fuckholes of my generation inventing phrases (that you then need to expend social energy explaining, instead of combating) to describe effects that not even the Shah of Iran is ignorant of, as if my fellow Hu-mans think they'd just discovered something new and need to cultivate special languages to communicate such things? He's (probably) a raper! He (probably) describes raping as a natural sociological interaction intrinsic to the well-being of males JUST FUCKING SAY THAT eta: Z, not to go particularly hard at you. You're good people. This is just something that frustrates me to no end every time I see a new little "smart" phrase that I perceive as completely superfluous and self-defeating
  4. You're, what? 3'6" ? While, me, I'm pushing 3'7".... 3'8"!
  5. To borrow a line from Conway Stern when it came time to be enlightened as to the concerns of Hobbits: "I'mma take your word on that."
  6. Even though we hates and loves the Twitter, as we hates and loves ourselves precious, goddamn if sometimes it ain't fucking worth it.
  7. I was just being vicious The only cost-effective way to do high-volume space (orbit) tourism is with gliders. Why are you making things out of metal? It's famously heavy. Wind is light, but pushes other light things strongly Wind is free ETA: little grammar. I was being mean, not volcanic
  8. Who the fuck puts engines on a glider? Are they bad at math but strong in vroom-vroom engineering somehow?
  9. Because corporations are not people and cannot be people. Any law that allows for such an absurdity is not a law, it is a lie backed by the force of a powerful state.
  10. He literally outed himself as a pedo with his free speech, didn't he??? Like isn't that what happened? I don't mean to come off like an expert but I thought he went on some podcast and ran his mouth and that was it for him
  11. I cannot, and do not understand rhe exercise I anticipate the lesson
  12. Yo we have serious issus with the way big business and profit incentives clash with the susceptibility of our political processes. To say nothing of the gleeful crippling of the legislative branch, naked partisanship in the legislative, and a government that can't even do basic tasks without Executive Order. None of those problems are easy to fix, but by refusing to address them in favor of easy solutions that I guarantee you will be turned against you, you will validate these people you're trying to suppress. Edit-basic grammar Spellcheck is for the weak
  13. I'm not condoning the algorithms that push these characters Or the cable news profit incentives that encourage replaying Donald's filth over and over again and treating it like serious political discourse But you can't hide it
  14. Then the burden is on decent people to provide better alternatives than < LOOOLZ, BURN IT DOOOWN> if we as a society can't defeat that without giving away what precious few values we may actually have, we don't deserve to win. You wanna save children from falling into black holes on the internet, I say that is a noble goal. Nobler than furthering the persecution complex these people have by actually suppressing them. It doesn't work
  15. They just make their own groups and stir shit in the shadows. If imma lose to the Nazis I wanna know where they are and how many there really are. You are allowed to be a Donald Trump loving traitorous Nazi piece of shit.
  16. Goddammit man, you believe in things... and then your faith is tested Imma need to pray on this to QJesus, who I assume for some reason is in favor of fascistic mega empires and dissatisfied with Jews...
  17. I honestly think that Dems would have done better if Trump was tweeting while Biden and co stepped up and helped save Ukaine. There would have been no bigger contrast possible than 55 billion impotent, incoherent, tweets per 55 billion dollar arms investment
  18. I like to know who they are! when I went back to school for a while a few years ago there was quite an argument I observed that was along these lines. At the time I didn't agree with the older gentleman in the argument, and his position when he said basically "I like it when Donald Trump is up there, and you can see all those people who looove him. Look at how ugly he is and how ugly the things he says are and how many people loooove it all. I don't like that it's ugly, but I like knowing it's there." i'm paraphrasing, using my own words because this was a conversation that happened in like 2019, but that was his argument. And I've come around to that. Brian was (I assume IS) a wise motherfucking guy. These people are always going to be scum, but by letting them have their due rights you let them show everybody who cares who they really are. And for me I suppose it boils down to I'd rather see your honest hideousness than the Ted Cruz Person Suit display. This is exactly what I'm talking about. This stupid sonofabitch just used his right to publish to publish himself to a ROMANIAN jail.
  19. Oh son... you don't wanna go to jail in Eastern Europe That ain't where you wanna be playa, 40% or otherwise
  20. I take it all back. How could I have been so blind? The scales are fallen from my eyes and no one is left to replace them... Twitter IS beautiful!
  21. "The worker of the world has nothing to lose, but their chains, the workers of the world unite."
  22. I'd pay to see the Oppenheimer trailer in IMAX... Seriously the only reason I probably won't is that I just can't have people know that I paid money to that cartoon folly called Blavatar Maybe I can cut a deal with the local theater. I'll pay the manager and each of the ticket checkers $150 apiece just to let me sit in the aisle for the trailers
  23. I thought his scene in TENET was a beautiful farewell. Basically nobody noticed SIR Micheal was the squadron leader in Dunkirk who goes down offscreen
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