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  1. Why did Bolton's dude who shot the crossbow stop shooting the crossbow?
  2. I would agree that there's no way that they can have the Purple Wedding this season unless it is the final scene/episode. They have been talking about it at length in King's Landing, it'll be interesting to see how they stretch it out for the rest of the season. I would assume that it happens at the beginning of next season. As for this episode, I'm a huge fan! Liked: Bath scene was perfect, NCW is absolutely killing it. Also loved how Roose Bolton toyed with Jaime by saying "you're sister, you're sister, etc." That was very well done and just like in the books where Roose implies that he knows about Jaime and Cersei. -I liked the Shireen/Selyse stuff. I think they accurately portrayed Selyse as the nutjob she is..my friend who is a non-reader got that impression. -The Tyrion/Tywin/Cersei scene at the end was fantastic as well. Peter Dinklage with some fantastic acting, and I think the most spot on portrayal of a character has been Cersei. Lena Headey has portrayed Cersei flawlessly. -Beric/Hound scene was good. I'm glad they picked up with that as the opening scene this week. -Robb beheading of Karstark and his conversations prior to it were just about identical to the book. Well done. -Credits with patchface song was AWESOME!! Whatever: -Jon Snow/Ygritte. I think that the scene was well written, however I'm just not a fan of the Jon Snow actor and I can't get past it. He seems too emo to me in his portrayal of Jon, who is way more badass in the books. HOWEVER, I do think Ygritte is doing a great job in her portrayal. She's great. -Loras/Littlefinger stuff: Not really sure what to think of all of this -Robb with Talisa: They certainly started to set up the RW, but if Talisa does end up being a spy I don't think I will like that. Didn't dislike anything. Great episode, great show, genius story.
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