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Ser Not Appearing

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Everything posted by Ser Not Appearing

  1. I reverted my Starfield game to a save pre-NG+. Decided I wanted to finish out the Crimson Fleet quest line, which I'm about halfway through (I'm guessing) as well as ... ... and use my ample materials to level up crafting skills.
  2. Btw, I just got that gives me . Between it and fitness. I can sprint for an infant. Of time now.
  3. I rarely used steam because I'm a console player. Fortnite is certainly my most played game of all time. Too easy to sink hundreds of hours into that with buddies. I'm in the thousands, actually. After that, Elden Ring, Breath of the Wild and Rocket League are each good bets to be in my top five because I know I've got 200+ hrs in each game.
  4. First things I leveled up in Starfield were security and boost pack and fitness. I can unlock anything, can run forever and use my boost pack all over the place. Boost pack you should at least have one point in because you get a good bit of utility out of it just with the one point. It's like how putting a point into targeting systems allows you to use that functionality and it's a big game changer. You don't have to keep leveling it up, necessarily, but just the one point unlocks the ability and that's a big step forward.
  5. I actually find that persuasion is almost too easy in this game, even without skill points. If you talk to NPC, you can get a feel for motivations and that usually aligns with what options to pick. I probably succeed 70% of the time.
  6. Couldn't you boost pack closer to the ground to reset fall height and avoid damage?
  7. This was in ... : https://reddit.com/r/Starfield/s/hoawdyLQGV
  8. I think GRRM also saw that his commenting on progress was setting expectations that led to disappointment and so stopped updating ... which is probably as good thing because his estimates were always proving to be wildly optimistic ... whereas Pat seems not to give updates because f*ck you, that's why. And GRRM, though not a focus I entirely appreciate, remains engaged and productive with his universe overall. He's still creating in the ASOIaF world. Different beasts, really.
  9. Always interesting to see who is who irl on here. Some of you might even know what you're talking about. I, on the other hand, am an accountant of no regard and my opinions hold no water to anyone but me. Do you have a link to the old interview?
  10. Unless they added all sorts of non-realism-stuff between celestial bodies, I don't think I would ever fly between planets, even within the same system ... but a lot of people think they would. I do think I might fly from a planet to its moons. Not often, but some. They could add some sort of scanning work in there, I'm sure, by being more creative than me and it might not even be boring. But I'd do it even if it was just chilling on the flight. I do wish you could fly around within a planet but I do understand how that (and vehicles) would ruin a lot of the gameplay loop for exploration. Between dog fights, random encounters, finding staryards and even mining asteroids ... I actually do find that I end up spending some time in space and, more than time, I do fun things there. But it's still not enough for some people and it takes awhile for a lot of what is actually there to get going. It'll be interesting to see what mods are made AND what mods people actually use regularly. I honestly don't expect much interstellar slow travel even when it's enabled. --- Anyway, regarding my own gameplay, I had a different experience the past few days. It's what good games do so well - I hit a roadblack of sorts and it forced me into a totally different rhythm of gameplay than the heavy quest focus I had been doing. I realized I had bounties with the Crimson Fleet and the UC and I was also carrying contraband. I couldn't go to my normal places to clear the bounty or sell the contraband and I didn't want to just Google a different location, so I spent hours hopping between unaffiliated star systems to try and find a settlement with a bounty-clearing portal and/or a place that bought contraband. I got plenty distracted along the way and it was honestly about 4-6 hours (no idea) of exploration and questing and surveying across maybe 5 systems, a staryard and a mystery spaceship before I finally thought to build an outpost with a building, drop the contraband in there and then fly to Neon to clear the bounty before returning to pick the contraband back up. By then I had captured another ship and had about 1,000 weight in excess of what my ship could hold, so I made a giant pile of stuff after getting sick of being overburdened. It's pretty remarkable that all that stuff has permanence and physics. Being overburdened, btw, is actually a great way to train fitness. And the fourth level of fitness (which I got last night) is a HUGE upgrade for sprinting. Side note: I just realized that you don't actually die from running while overburdened. It'll sap your health way down but it doesn't kill you ... which is a realization that significantly speeds things for me.
  11. Neon is a city on a water planet but apart from knowing that, I don't think it affects the city a lot.
  12. Haven't completed Freestar yet but the urge to expand that spoiler box ... it's calling me, calling my name, crying out in supplication and desire.
  13. Not sad at all. The sadness is in the waiting, like being trapped in a cave and watching time pass as your last candle slowly burns down and you never know if a rescue will come before the flame sputters out. The joy in actually being rescued is all the more palpable.
  14. New Atlantis low-key sucks. For better or worse, the world you're exploring like you explored in Skyrim is ... the many different worlds. It's not space. Fast travel is more like picking what door to use when leaving a building. You're not actually skipping the explorable world. People who wanted to fly around in the vast emptiness (or modified to not be empty) of space will be disappointed to a degree. As you said, *for you* not exploring space feels like it misses the mark and that's subjective and totally normal for some people to feel that ... but I disagree on the fast travel being like never exploring the Skyrim world. Fast travel gets you to the explorable stuff, it doesn't skip it. Totally different function than Skyrim.
  15. If someone invites you over for dinner then you can reasonably expect more than appetizers but, no, eating the full dinner with them does not imply that they owe you breakfast or dinner tomorrow as well. And if they get struck by a meteor while preparing dinner, you can reasonably give them a pass.
  16. https://reddit.com/r/KingkillerChronicle/s/rE8LcjFySd This just popped up for me on Reddit. I'm sure my phone is spying on me but at least it generated a timely connection. Rothfuss' past comments on writer's block haven't aged well.
  17. Whether or not a publisher is willing to put out a product seems rather distinct from the author-driven delay / non-performance being discussed. If I said I'd pick you up at 8 to go do XYZ and I decided to screw off, get drunk, play video games or otherwise not come over ... and your reply to my complaint about the missed commitment is that other people may have not come over in the past because their car broke down, I'd be even more frustrated at your lack of accepting responsibility and wonder if you were even mentally stable. It's a weird redirect, imo. Internal and external conflicts / barriers are differing levels of controllable and spark differing degrees of blame.
  18. You have to be realistic when you enter these threads ...
  19. I'm sure I've stated it before but I do think publishing an incomplete work is an implied social contact to finish it which means there is an obligation (social) for the author to fulfill the promise of a complete story. To that extent, I understand much of fan frustration and feel it myself, even. And, as it is a social frustration, it can and should be expressed socially. That doesn't excuse all behavior but explains it well (there's inevitably a spectrum of frustrations and severe distress or belligerence is part of that) and makes it rather understandable even if I don't endorse all ranges of complaint and manifestations of disappointment. I cringe at the most extreme temper tantrums thrown by fans but I commiserate with the underlying frustration a bit too much to ever enjoy an author snapping back. ... and then I also think I can appreciate a good bit of the performance and expectations stress authors endure and how seeking perfection can lead to delays. Butt it's a lot like real work. Every individual delay is potentially understandable but somewhere along the line you reach a point beyond which you've gone too long and anything more is simply an excuse not to fulfill that social contract. I, personally, feel Pat and GRRM have reached that point and I'm fundamentally disappointed. It's tough but life goes on and there's always hope.
  20. All Rothfuss discussions end up grimdark somewhere along the way. There are no heroes and everybody sucks and life is full of disappointment.
  21. And yet getting distracted is all I've been doing in Starfield. Personally, I don't think I'd ever get that sense watching someone else play. You can see game mechanics and glean a good bit about game structure but I don't get the sense of exploration and distraction without being in control. It's too much of a presentation watching someone else play.
  22. Man, I got to one of the plot twists on the main quest in Starfield and it's pretty cool. This game just keeps getting better.
  23. I expected it (and argued a bit with people about it prior to game release) but a lot of game mechanics in Starfield are strongly laced with Fallout 4 DNA.
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