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Naturally Low Highborn

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Everything posted by Naturally Low Highborn

  1. I've always thought of the whole Cersie/Margery plot as time filler until Dany gets herself and her dragons to Westeros.
  2. (1) It's isn't "but at the last minute" if they've been building the rescue. Brienne had been on her trail for AGES! We know she's going to be following her towards the Wall. So, it's a build up that paid off with rescue. LIttlefinger's save was more believable that Stannis' last minute save as we knew Sansa had asked for help. If Benjen had of been there at the door (RIP Hodor) then I'd call that a saves at the last minute. He didn't so it isn't. (2)Let's go back to the "you must go south to go north, back to go forward....." It's just what Dany did. She went back to start again at the Mountain of Mothers (???) or whatever the crone's nursing home is called. Once she did, she went forward, and finally started on the path to Westeros. Likewise, the north has went back to start again, with a new King in the North.
  3. The larger game was stacking the deck against Cersie's via her trial. She successfully got Cersie's trial by combat card trump card nullified. She was getting her brother freed from the sparrow's cell. She has/had Tommen by the balls (literally and figuratively) and would manipulate him well after Cersie's trial and consequences no matter what those consequences were.
  4. They've played cat and mouse since Margery's arrival to KL. Cersie one ups or wins , then Margery one ups or wins. Margery just allowed Cersie to get the last major one up.
  5. There's been discussion on why Cersie didn't shed a tear or seem to mourn Tommen. I suggest that it was in fulfillment of Maggie the Frog's prophecy " And when your tears have drowned you, the valonqar shall wrap his hands about your pale white throat and choke the life from you. " Her tears from Joffery and Marcella death have "drowned" her and she has no more to shed.
  6. My question would be why on earth did they force everyone in attendance to stay. Not that it really mattered as the fallout area was huge, but they could have done a "cliffhanger" as to who made it out of the kill zone.
  7. Jamie, I believe, will still hold true to his oath to Catelyn. IF he meets and recognizes Arya, he may uphold that oath has he did with Sansa by giving BOT Oathkeeper. He may knowingly or unwittingly work with Arya to take Cersie off Arya's list.
  8. From a purely legal POV, Tommen left no heirs. Robert, his "father", has no more heirs. Robert's father has no more heirs and his other sons left no heirs. We would have to go far back into the Baratheon lineage to get a true legal heir, sort of like Harry (?) the heir to the Vale scenarios.
  9. Was remembering the conversation between Dany and Yara. Yara states that her uncle wants a marriage as payment for his ships/alliance, then when he has what he wants will kill her. If he is spurned by Dany, if he offers his ships/alliance to Cersie (because really who else does she have) with the same caveat, then we could assume the same ending would occur when he got what he wanted from her. He is a little brother too. There was another convo in the earlier episode that could be mirrored onto someone else, but can't recall.
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