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Martell Spy

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Everything posted by Martell Spy

  1. I would submit Uvalde. You shove as many mens as possible into uniforms, point them at a problem, and crime magically goes away in record time.
  2. How do you get around players abusing rest mechanics to heal up and get spells/etc then?
  3. The new edit and quote system got me again. Sorry about the double post.
  4. Killer final 2 eps. I lean toward the supernatural being involved. To do otherwise you have to create all sorts of explanations for various things. If Lottie can to some degree command animals it certainly does help explain how at least some survived the ordeal so long. Seems unlikely that human flesh was the main foodstuff ingested during such a long period. They'd run out of people. Yes, psychedelics are involved and that could be a reason the supernatural is not involved. However, there is the trope of these types of drugs making people more susceptible to possession by spirits. That may have been Misty's intention. It seems likely this is some sort of dark shamanic spirit and it apparently needs something from humans. And it's really hard to explain the Eyeless Man and everything around it in a rational way. Could be a Wendigo. That would fit the setting and cannibalism, anyway.
  5. Not reading more than a few posts here as I have seen only 2 to 3 eps. Great show. I had heard it was, but it exceeded my expectations. I didn't want to buy Showtime just to see this one show, but then got in a show hole and did it anyway. Not sure that I'm sold on the cannibalism actually happening, but they definitely are hinting at it rather strongly. Those outfits are creepy as hell. I had thought based on random spoilers I read that Misty was the queen, but apparently not. I just saw her take a different mask off.
  6. There are probably worse things going on, but this story still makes me furious. There already seems to be a certain level of contempt of regular citizens by the police. And then one of those citizens gets swept up in some sort of minor criminality and that person is now fair game to treat less than human. I'm all for having less armed police and less use of police in general when they are not necessary. I simply don't trust them to be the "hero with the gun," And "hero with the gun" arguments are often flawed in general, applied to the police or not. Video shows Colorado police officers laughing over bodycam footage of 73-year-old woman's violent arrest https://www.cnn.com/2021/04/27/us/loveland-police-officers-video-use-of-force/index.html ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  7. I think we can all agree that when the perp has a f'ing rocket launcher that the shooting is justified.
  8. Knights of the Dinner Table - The Gazebo (an old classic from KODT issue #1 (1994). - Album on Imgur Images may be subject to copyright. Learn More Related images https://www.google.com/search?q=knights+of+the+dinner+table&rlz=1C1CHBF_enUS841US841&sxsrf=ALeKk01kTY4QNEq7ldswfGBQEez9ZMEOMA:1608049494485&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjalpmXs9DtAhVGo54KHezED6cQ_AUoA3oECAcQBQ&biw=1920&bih=937#imgrc=n6xs7WzaUp3MBM&imgdii=rteblnyc0FCYjM
  9. I'm a pretty long-term D&D player, but I know people that have played longer. I don't really play online though, I just prefer the in person experience, as huge of a hassle as it is to pull off, and impossible with the pandemic raging. I started in 1991, or possibly 90. Did 2nd edition, 3rd, 5th, and briefly 4th. (horrible edition) My main group was formed by friends in high-school and late junior high. I'm the only one of the people that founded the group still playing though and only 2 of the people that joined in high school are still playing. People came and went. One of the founders died at 43 a couple years ago. Another of them joined the Marines right after high-school and moved to Hawaii. Never saw him again. We play 5th edition because the younger players insist on it. I was the main Dungeon Master in the old days, but I retired and prefer playing now and one of the players from high-school now hosts and DMs most games. We shut the game down during the pandemic, then played outside a while, then played inside as it got cold, wearing masks. However, we shut it down again due to the huge virus spikes and Governor's order against gatherings. The 2nd group group was formed by a bunch of guys older than me and some of them started in the 1970's. One of the old guys is the brother of one of my friends from high school and that is how I got in to this group when I was 16. These guys are around 50 years old, 60 in one case, but there's now a bunch of young players too, as sons and daughters join and sometimes bring friends. They refuse to play any D&D that is not 2nd edition. However, they play a lot of 20 die system Star Wars. (Ironically, pretty much the same system as 3rd edition D&D which they refuse to play) They also play some weird games like Twilight 2000 and Car Wars which was fun to try out. Probably won't be gaming until spring comes at a minimum. The old guy group is playing though. I'm kind of purposely not going as they are playing too much really and I don't think masks are used.
  10. Game of Thrones showrunners to make shows for Netflix in massive deal https://ew.com/tv/2019/08/07/game-of-thrones-showrunners-netflix/ The Game of Thrones showrunners are going to Netflix.
  11. Haven't finished B5 yet. I've seen 2 seasons and started 3. I really need to finish some more. I just want to say, the motorcycle ride is one of the finest TV moments I've ever witnessed.
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