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Everything posted by HexMachina

  1. yeah watch any kind of Britcom from early 2000s or earlier, you'll hear a laugh track. Hard to track when this started to phase out but I'd guess around the 2010's?
  2. I was feeling nostalgic and watched Return to Oz on a sick day. Horrifying to think this was one of my favourite films as a child.
  3. What are your final Oscar predictions? I know you've shared your thoughts throughout the awards season but interested to hear your final predictions before the actual awards EDIT: nvm saw your new thread
  4. And I wonder where Tolkein drew inspiration from? Not like there's innumerable sources out there where he discusses his own influences.
  5. I hated Ross intensely even the first time I watched the show, he was just the worst person imaginable. I enjoyed the earlier episodes most, I'm a bit blurry where each season ends so I'm not sure which I liked most. But after a certain point they took the already exaggerated characteristics and stereotypes into absurdism. Also the more things focussed on Ross the less I cared. And every single love interest he had really just showed what a terrible person he was. I don't think its a show that aged especially well, there's a lot of casual racism, homophobia and transphobia thrown in for cheap laughs. But I've certainly seen more recent shows that come off worse. Its been a whole since I last rewatched but my favourite episode at one time as "The One with Five Steaks and an Eggplant"
  6. I went heavy over the weekend (by which I mean went out Friday, woke up still drunk Saturday and didn't really sober up before I was out again). This isn't usual for me these days so spare the lectures. Anyway, the drinks were good, lots of tequila and gin. Woke up Sunday with no hangover, somehow, but now we're three days on and I feel like its caught me up because all I want to do is sleep. Regrets
  7. I do appreciate when a cover, or the use of a song in tv/film brings it new life and introduces it to a new audience. Its a bit baffling to me when people get annoyed by it ("urgh they aren't true fans urghhhhhh"). Like why bemoan an artist/band you love a load of new fans? I know that's not what you're talking about here, to be clear, it just popped into mind as a somewhat related topic. After a....'heavy' weekend I've needed something quieter to bring me back down
  8. I truly love this. From afar, I'd find her insufferable if I had to look after her myself. That said, I was also this brand of obnoxious child when I was younger. Have you raised her in the vicinity of 70s/80s/90s TV and film with an emphasis of Britcoms with lots of innuendo by any chance?
  9. In the UK Easter chocolates appear as soon as the Christmas stuff is out of the shops. Generally beginning of the new year At our school we always did an egg painting contest, which is how I first realised, walking around and looking at some of the masterpieces others had created, that I have not a since artisitc or creative bone in my body
  10. Something about these gimmicky restaurants/cook-your-own really doesn't appeal to me. Not so much the hotpot/korean barbecue stuff, but steak? I'm a pescetarian but it seems weird to ask you to cook your own steak at a steakhouse. For why am I here, if I wanted to cook steak badly myself I could do so cheaper at home. Made a very simple meal of cod with new potatoes in parsley butter and a "sort of" salsa (I.e. I had peppers, tomatoes and red onions that needed using so just chopped them up and threw them together with some chilli and lime)
  11. are you suggesting that her trek over the Helcaraxe was a good idea? Interesting take
  12. I can't decide if I like this idea or think its in poor taste. Stunning cast though.
  13. So I'm assuming the split will be just after the riff?
  14. I once drank some "aged" brut (aged = I got it as a Christmas present and forgot about it for a few years) and let's just say it did not mature like fine wine, but more like whole milk
  15. Sorry if this was your experience, but its a pretty gross generalisation that undervalues both teachers and students. In my experience teachers in State schools show a lot of care for their students and do their best in difficult situations. I remember several teachers specifically who went out of their way to support me through some especially difficult moments in primary and later secondary school. And sure, you'll get some shitty students who say "Eww you want to learn?" Thats nothing to do with it being a State school. Its because kids are sometimes awful to each other. Saying that kids who go to State school have no ambition...sorry, I don't know how you intended this to come off but its really pretty shitty and judgmental
  16. Right. But socks, every use, for me anyway. I'm wearing them all day, I walk a lot, my feet sweat, its necessary for how I'm wearing them.
  17. I've only ever attended state school son 've no comparator, but there is so much wrong with the system and nobody seems to win out. We had such a high turnover rate for teachers because they'd simply burnout under the stress of teaching classes that were too large, too varied in ability and quite often too unruly. They didn't have the numbers or resources to give the time and attention to kids with behavioural issues, and as for diagnosed medical issues that can impact your learning -autism, dyslexia, etc. - well good luck with getting the actual attention required for that. I started school when our infant and junior schools were still separate (non-UK, this is from 3(?)-6 and 6-11 respectively). The junior school had been built in the 1800s and honestly, it showed. We did get a flashy new primary school which eventually combined them but, for all the money I'm sure it cost, it wasn't exactly "state of the art". We made do but looking back it was rough and the more i talk to some of my friends who had a wealthier background the more apparent it becomes. Things I consider normal are very much not to others
  18. Your posts make even less sense than the script for RoP
  19. I think Abercrombie has my favourite audio books, Steven Pacey is masterful at performing them. I usually read them first but I make a point of getting the audiobook afterwards
  20. This isn't film rewards related but since we're talking about the Grammys, Jay-Z really went up there and chose violence with his speech. "Some of y'all don't deserve to be in your categories."
  21. I may be wrong but I thought I'd heard something vague about a HBO TV series. I also agree with your opinion on the movies and I know its unpopular to have 1 and 2 as the favourites. I am however done with anything HP related so I won't be watching any potential TV show
  22. Thank you! I'm just going to take this as a sign that maybe I should do a re-read because I didn't remember anything even vaguely related to the Balchoth
  23. its been a while since I last read the books, so I will admit to looking up Blachoth on the wiki but...what? What does Galadriel have to do with them?
  24. Oh my Spotify Wrapped clocked my obsession with FatM. In 2023 I was a top 0.05% fan and spent 12,812 minutes listening over the year
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