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Posts posted by sonsastronk

  1. No, it is book canon she does: 'Mercy'. And selling cockles was often a cover for prostitution. Molly Maolone is implied to be either a prostitute or the only fishmonger who isn't.

    It would be stupid to kill Trant in the brothel with all his men round him though. Lure him somewhere quiet and then dump him into a canal.

    Book canon doesn't matter here though. I severely doubt that Arya will flirt or proposition Trant.

  2. I get what they are doing with Arya but I thought they could have trimmed the more disgusting aspects of "Mercy" as they did Tyrion's brothel visit. But instead we get two episodes of watching Meryn Trant Duggar it up.

    I don't think they'll have Arya go Mercy at all. It would be too obvious of a direction.

    Honestly, I think Jaqen will get in the way of Trant being killed. Trant will probably escape alive, having not interacted with Arya whatsoever.

  3. With all this Sansa talk, no onne seems to care about the wonderful set design in the hall of faces,it was quite similar to what i had imagined reading the books. The whole sequence with that eerie music had me captivated.

    Hasn't that been what it's like all season long? Everyone only cares about Sansa and says pretty much nothing about everything else in comparison.

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