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Everything posted by makchamp

  1. I wish I didn't watch this season. I'll take solace in the fact that it's not canon and move on.
  2. Didn't they get almost wiped out at Winterfell ?
  3. Stopping at season 4's ending would be a good idea.
  4. It really couldn't get any worse than what we got.
  5. What the hell are they doing with Jamie ? Makes no sense.
  6. Yeah it's pretty clear the show writers aren't well versed in medieval warfare lol.
  7. I was disappointed in Tyron's role this episode. I hope he plays a major part in the ending.
  8. I believe they are the same prophecy. That part always confused me.
  9. I liked it as well. It was completely unexpected. Because doesn't the prophecy say AA is a male (the prince that was promised) ? I'm not sure, maybe there's more to it that we don't know yet.
  10. You're assuming GRRM doesn't change his mind by the time he writes his last book (if ever).
  11. I'm glad they wrapped that part up early. Even though we still know nothing about the Night King's back story, the zombie apocalypse storyline has been done to death in general. I wouldn't want that to define this show's ending.
  12. So only the main characters survived ?
  13. I didn't expect this season to be as good as the first 4 but it's been decent so far. It feels different as it's all one big connected storyline now, there are no more interesting subplots. As for filler scenes they will always have them so don't expect those to go away.
  14. "The King of the North" could have been done better but otherwise very good ending episode.
  15. Man I think this show has really gone downhill. I don't know about you guys but I kinda got bored halfway through.
  16. So depressing. So many decisions are just mindbogglingly dumb. WTF DID THEY DO WITH WINTERFELL. JUST ATTROCIOUS.
  17. That battle scene was just amazingly well done. I'm not one who enjoys fight scenes too much but this one was just so well done that I was on the edge of my seat the whole time. Big props for this episode.
  18. Wow finally a good episode. Loved it from start to finish. The real war has begun!
  19. Not good but not bad either. Some stuff just doesn't make any sense at all.
  20. Rather rewatch past seasons to be honest. This season has been somewhat of a disaster. GRRM better hurry up and finish his book.
  21. The show has been going downhill but this is finally an episode with actual important events happening even if it was poorly executed like the Dorne stuff... It's interesting but just poor decision making lowers the quality.
  22. Yeah that ending made no sense. WTF was the point of ending the episode like that ? The way it was set up was really awkward and I feel nothing for those characters.
  23. This season has been really underwhelming so far. Hopefully it picks up in the second half.
  24. Best episode of this season imo. I don't really care if they diverge from the book source if they don't botch it.
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