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Posts posted by HoodedCrow

  1. I was doing well with my physio and then broke my talus doing some aerobics. It was worth it! I like to dance that much. So now I’m doing my boring exercises to Blurred Lines. I love how Miley Cyrus flipped the misogyny. But anything with a bouncy rhythm works. It also gets my brain activated in the morning for sleep much later. I can twerk, do girls push ups, shoulder presses, back extensions and rotations, bicycles, quads and gluteus Maximus:)

  2. I recall that I got The Fionavar Tapestry from a “staff picks” section. The cover was interesting and not “Flash Gordon” like. I was delighted right away because of the setting. It was lovely to read something good, after some of the bad Tolkien knockoffs. It is faster paced then some of Kay’s other books, I thought. I read the rest in the order of release, and that solved some problems that others have. I didn’t read YA.

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