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Everything posted by thekindlywaif

  1. GoT rant on R+L episode SPOILER warning With overwhelming evidence pointing at R+L imagery from books all of the episode tonight, i cant help but reflect on the one scene btwn Mel and Jon...her temptation and blatant Hypocrisy are clear in many ways...the religion she is so devout to...is the side of light/life...fighting against death/sideways8faces...light is equated to fire, by her account and death to ice. But she tempts Jon into creating an agent of 'light'...the shadow of death! From Jons perspective, why is he the ultimate Hero...AAreborn or PtWP? Jon has both the gods of death and life...in him...by blood, experience, and belief...if he is both Stark, of the old gods of ice/death (indigenous Westerosi) and Targ, of the FireReligion of rebirth (from the land of Valyria and Dragons)...and has his father-wardens honor (and stubbornness)...he has experienced humility through bullying about his 'Bastard' label (and can empathize with Tyrion over these shared similar experiences)...he understands both mercy (gifted? to Olly) and justice (dealt to Janos) and can dish both out where appropriate...and believes incredibly strongly...in self...moral compass...then he can see through her bluster, bravado and glamours...he knows her to be the hypocrite she is...she purports to 'know' because she peers into fires...but her methods are unjust and hurt those she claims to be protecting! This is why Jon deserves to ride a Dragon! Kinda hoping (in TWoW) Dany will arrive on Drogon, and Bran will warg into another for Tyrion to ride, while Jon gets 'saved' by the third...clearly i cant see Jon is being un-revivable! Speaking of theImp, how did you like Jorah letting him know he'd gotten his point across...visiting the DragonQueen is not in his (their) best interest (right away)...and that Tyrion had put his foot in his mouth again by saying too much...all in one punch? That quick wit and loose lips will always get ya!
  2. Im biased, but 9.5/10. Heres my bias(es): Background...read books...twice...2nd go round in following order: CoK, SoS, Feast/Dance, GoT Character favorites: Povs: Arya Bran/Tyrion Jon/Dany/Jamie Non-Povs Varys/Littlefinger/BrownBen Anyway...tonights episode included perhaps my favorite chapter!!! Arya's first visions of HoB&W-home of the PanDeity...Arya's story and insights into the world across the sea are fascinating... what does it mean to be no-one? the HighSparrow has one approach, a la Jesus himself...and the KindlyWaif has quite another, a la JackKevorkian=DrDeath... We at the Home of the Many-Faced god offer one thing and one thing only...salvation in exchange for everything... Give up everything in exchange for a drink when you require it...or give up everything now to become no-one and give the gift to those deserving of it, rather than those in need of it (since it will always be available at the fountain in sideways8faced Gods house!) Tyrions storylines portrayal in the annual weekly time delayed movies has angered me greatly in '15 Where is Gryff??? Note: I subscribe to a 'why would he lie' philosophy on mrBabyEgg that Varys swapped before the Mountain could hulk smash his head against the wall! Cevasse games between YoungGriff and Tyrion are so illuminating as to the kind of manipulatory/butterfly effect Tyrion has on the World of RedTemps&BlueTemps. Where is the lost Knight of GriffinsRoost? Where is the leadin to the GoldenCompanys10K? Onto some more positive things on Dinklages scenes...did you see the former slave priestess see his shadow in the fire and peer into his soul while he drank on the stoop talking to Varys before hitting up the brothel? The God of Fire is magnificent, but perhaps just as deadly as the sideways8faces serving ClearDeathJuice. Seeing Tyrion (and Varys too, randomly) get exposed to this religion, so differently than Arya (with Thoros from Myr, himself and his resurrection(s) of theLightningLord) and the998th LCoftheNW through Mel=theRedWitch. Onto Jon assuming the mantle of eldestStark by denying his starkhood! Jon dished out Weirwood Justice for breaking a vow...he used a ValyrianSteel dragonfire forged blade similar to Ice to do this...hed watched Neddard do this with Bran and Robb to a former brother whi he never served with for desertion...Robb did this using Ice to a KarStark, family for mistreating an enemy PoW...Jon rejected something hed desired since before he could remember, only to step up and do what he then learned to be better for the greater good...the good of all RealmS! In this graphic scene mr998 murdered a man who betrayed his fosterFatherNed (i also believe R+L->J@TowerofJoy). This fearful man who chose death over his vow, who hid while Alliser&Jon defended the NightColoredCastle...Used his position and CloakofGold and sold out to LittleFinger, betraying Ned...and thus securing tenuous position for his heirs and earning the scorn of one soontobe and now former HandoftheKing, theImp himself! What did this scorn net him? Exile to this frozen world where his fear finally spelled his end! Note how Jon really has ZeroKnowledge of the betrayal the man he executed committed against his father...the only link between these events separated by vast amounts of space and time...Tyrion!
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