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Sir Bronn

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About Sir Bronn

  • Birthday 09/10/1997

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Squire (4/8)

  1. 5, Benjen was awesome, but Tommen... I don't blame Margaery, however if she waited a bit longer. Samwell stealing the sword, why the fuck you take valyrian steel sword if you can't wield it.I didn't think Samwell would become a thief
  2. -1 Melisandre -4 Hotah and whole Dorne 5/10
  3. D&D ruined Barristan storyline and made him not such a big badass as in the novels I have a question.How the hell so many sons of harpy suddenly appeared between the crowd???People were in panic ,after we saw them on the screem,so they couldn't just sit next to them in those masks. 2 sons of harpy can take down one unsulied (not from behind) wtf????!
  4. Barristan has been resurected by Thoros.I saw him in the coffe https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/hphotos-xaf1/t51.2885-15/s306x306/e15/11078574_1061281473885454_223791202_n.jpg
  5. Now ,when Barristan is dead ,I'm rooting for Stannis ,but probably there was foreshadowing in this episdoe.I hope at least ,that he'll manage to take Winterfell
  6. At this point the show is ruined.I like the part with Jaime and Bronn,but there will be no Blackfish :( .Their storyline is excellent so far. Where is Aegon ,Jon Connington .... Where is Arianne ,she is much better than that Elaria Barristan killed by this lames with daggers!!??In the blok defeated Mero with the STICK,defeated Khraz , with Jorah he conquered Yunkai.One of the most epic characters treated like that by directors ! It has no point.What they do?More Grey Worm ,Sansa. Madness!Madness and stupidity!
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