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Long Live The Onion King

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Everything posted by Long Live The Onion King

  1. I was wondering about this. Would the North follow him if he ends up taking the Targ name?
  2. Great episode. Dany finally got interesting again. The Battle of the Bastards and Ramsay's end lived up to expectations. The only criticism I have is why wouldn't Sansa let Jon know about Littlefinger and the Vale army. Makes no sense.
  3. Agreed. The Blackfish joining Sansa and Jon would've been much more compelling. In the books he's referred to as a great warrior. Maybe they start getting more northern support with him on their side. The whole Riverrun story seems like a waste of time. Brienne and Pod travel down, fail, travel back. Big deal. I get failure happens but this could've been better in my opinion.
  4. The Jaime/Edmure scene was interesting in that it reminded me of the Jaime who would push a kid out a window. His character had gotten away from that since Season 1.
  5. I found this episode to be mostly annoying. There should have been something more with Arya than miraculously healing from multiple stab wounds to the gut to defeat the Waif. Then they kill the Waif off camera to boot I didn't like them killing off the Blackfish off camera either More jokes and drinking games with Tyrion? The Mereen storyline showed some promise when Tyrion unchained the dragons and they've never gone back to that. Maybe they will eventually but I thought the plot could have been more interesting. Now it looks like the Clegane-bowl is off too.
  6. Perhaps but given the multitude of characters with uncertainty over their fates it is still a possibility. -tried to quote AGS Martell, didn't work, weird
  7. Agreed. Hopefully there is more to Arya's story then it appeared.
  8. Agreed. He seems like he's still in a funk over that whole murdery/resurrection bit. Make Lyanna Queen of the North. She's got more fire than the whole lot of em.
  9. Syrio maybe? I'm betting the actress also though
  10. I liked the ToJ scene enough that I was ticked that they cut it off to extend it over more episodes. Giving Osha and Rickon to Ramsay is annoying - Oh great, more Ramsay torture scenes. Arya's story is at least moving along. Same can't be said for Mereen. It looked like it would the previous episode with Tyrion and the dragons but they didn't continue with that this week. I'm still on the fence about the Kings Landing story line. In the books the High Sparrow and his followers had a lot of power thanks to Cersei's lack in judgement. Their power hasn't quite translated to the show it just seems assumed.
  11. I liked it overall. I agree with some that the Dorne storyline was pretty lame. Maybe Elaria (sp?) doesn't care if Trystan is killed as that will make his father even angrier and more likely to go to war. I liked most everything else. One minor complaint would be having Sam ask to go to Old Town rather than it be Jon's idea like in the books. It's minor but I think it took away from Jon's leadership strengths a little.
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