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Prince Lou of House Reed

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Everything posted by Prince Lou of House Reed

  1. Tysha was necessary and I hated what Jaime said. Fuck I can't believe Selmy is dead wtf I thought he was just injured considering he's "saved" by Grey at the end. And with a bs dagger strike where's Selmys armor damn it he's a knight. Even without armor he killed Meros punk ass in the books wow I'm shocked! Loras gets punked out by a bunch of scrawny religious dudes okay but he had swords all around him....
  2. Right in the book...sorry......anyways in the book everyone is freaking the fuck out like "what do we do now Tywin is dead!" Cersei is searching everyone cutting off dwarf heads left and right, Jaime is on his fake hunt and no one knows how the hell to handle the situation. So far it's been like "well he's dead that's a big bummer." Idk they could have made it seem more desperate maybe that's to come though.
  3. Oliver has to be the worst character they ever created he's just so annoying and sleazy, who would trust that guy? We want Satin!!!
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