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World of Ice and Fire App Update

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That Nym thing...

Truth be told, sometimes there are errors I can't account for -- aka, introduced in editing. I can see what I sent in had it correctly, but obviously someone thought they recalled some additional details and mistakingly inserted said details.

I'll see that gets fixed, as does the Oberyn entry (and some of the other things noted here).

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Speaking of Oberyn: His entry states that Dorne was reluctant to support Aerys during the rebellion due the fact that Rhaegar slighted Elia when he run off with Lyanna. Is this actually backed up by anything deeper knowledge you have of the rebellion? The novels only mention the fact that Aerys used Elia as a hostage late in the war, when he (apparently) sent Prince Lewyn as envoy to Dorne to get some spearmen over the mountains.

But the Iron Throne actually ask Dorne for help before that? I'd be surprised if either Merryweather (who did not take the rebellion seriously) or Connington (who was jealous of Elia, it seems) sent any letters to Prince Doran.

As soon as Doran realized that this was was a serious affair, he most certainly felt obligated to assist the Targaryens. Only if Aerys/Rhaegar prevailed would his sister's son eventually ascend the Iron Throne...

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Was Old Ghis truly destroyed five thousand years ago by the Valyrians? That's what the Old Ghis entry states, but the Rhoynar excerpt of the Worldbook seemed to indicate that the Valyrians started expanding west shortly after the Fifth Ghiscari War ended. Did it really take 3,750 years until the war with the Rhoynar began?

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Pycelle's entry:

It's stated there that Pycelle was released from imprisonment after Tywin took over as Hand, but that's not the case. We don't see it happen in ACoK, I think, but Tyrion states that he is going to free Tyrion when he forces Lancel to work for him (that one is even in the show, is it not?). He only insists that Pycelle is not reinstated as member of the Small Council and Grand Maester. Later on, in ASoS, Tywin then reinstates Pycelle as Grand Maester and member of the Small Council after Varys claims/reports, that Mace's uncle Gormon Tyrell is about to be appointed the next Grand Maester by the conclave of Archmaesters.

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Lord Mooton's entry states that Tarly had him thrown into a tower, because he was unsure of his loyalty.

My impression always was that Randyll was disgusted by William Mooton's inaction when Maidenpool was attacked and sacked. He punished him for that, and he also arranged the marriage between Eleanor Mooton and Dickon to ensure that Maidenpool would eventually go to House Tarly...

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Lord Mooton's entry states that Tarly had him thrown into a tower, because he was unsure of his loyalty.

My impression always was that Randyll was disgusted by William Mooton's inaction when Maidenpool was attacked and sacked. He punished him for that, and he also arranged the marriage between Eleanor Mooton and Dickon to ensure that Maidenpool would eventually go to House Tarly...

Isn't Mooton present when Randyll is dispensing 'justice' too? Or is he supposed to be in a tower after this?
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He is in the tower before that happens. In ASoS, I think, later on in AFfC he sits indeed on the dais when Randyll dispenses 'justice'. And in that book Randyll delivers also the line on which I'd base my interpretation: 'Mooton. Do not speak to me about Mooton.' That indicates contempt, not fear that Lord William may betray him.

And if I remember correctly, Mooton is also a younger brother, since all the elder sons of the previous Lord Mooton died at the Trident, fighting in Rhaegar's host. He is pretty much a Tytos-type of Lord, I imagine.

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Mooton was thrown into a cell because he was considered a traitor to the crown. His pardon happens later in AFfC, and comes from the king, but that pardon came on Tarly's recommendation ... following Tarly securing the marriage of his son to Mooton's heir. The text in the app is accurate in this regard, though should actually explicitly state that Mooton was pardoned.

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Thanks! That's new information. Could be interesting stuff for the people who believe that Tarly may turn out to be secret Targaryen loyalist and declare for Aegon - I'm not one of them - since the Mootons are also very stalwart Targaryen loyalists...

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Thanks! That's new information. Could be interesting stuff for the people who believe that Tarly may turn out to be secret Targaryen loyalist and declare for Aegon - I'm not one of them - since the Mootons are also very stalwart Targaryen loyalists...

Tarly is a Blackfyre loyalist of course :p

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Well, that would still surprise me. If Tarly declares for Aegon, he most certainly does not know anything about Aegon's true heritage. I don't think that anyone would really tell him of all the people the truth about Aegon.

The Aegon plot is so dependent on the fact that Aegon is Aegon VI Targaryen that actual Blackfyres in Westeros - if there are any - may not declare for Aegon because he is a Targaryen...

But the Mooton thing really is tricky. That's new, and there may actually be some hints in the App highlighting stuff that may become important in TWoW. For instance, read the Raff entry. It really stresses the fact that Raff is on Arya's list, and Ran already confirmed that he has read the 'Mercy' chapter a long time ago...

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