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Scott Lynch II: Read The Lies of Locke Lamora and Win at Life!


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Second Scott Lynch thread. Scott, feel honoured. Few authors gain the prestige of getting a second thread on the board devoted to them (actually a hell of a lot of them do, but we just wanted you to feel good).

Let the discussion begin anew!

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Few authors gain the prestige of getting a second thread on the board devoted to them.

The two I can think of off the top of my head are Scott Bakker and Terry Goodkind. And the one who gets multiple threads devoted soley to himself and his writings (as opposed to "Who should I read first?" and "Author A vs. Author B" threads) is Goodkind.

Are you trying to compare Lynch to Goodkind? :P

Scott, will the future books have more of the backstory Interludes? They were quite enjoyable.

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Are you trying to compare Lynch to Goodkind? :P

Tough call. We have been "enjoying" Goodkind quite a bit, recently.

But, in flat terms of "joy imparted per unit page," I think Lynch has the decided edge. Only one 500-page book, but a lot of fun. Goodkind (BBHN) has certainly generated a lot of fun, but he's also killed a lot of trees. Piss-poor Fun-to-Page ratio. And since we have many more books to look foward to in the Lynch oeuvre, I predict a vicious beatdown for the Yeard.

Also, I have never invented (nor been tempted to invent) a cocktail based on the Sword of Truth.

The Gentleman Bastard, however, has been on my list for at least a month. We think it'll be a whiskey drink.

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The Gentleman Bastard sounds like it could be a great drink for Worldcon (not attending, but sounds great anyway). X-Ray, you have any ASoIaF-related drinks?

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Man, I thought for SURE my suggested title for the second thread was a winner...POSITIVE. How can I go on now?

You could make fun of Werthead for misspelling Lamora in the thread title. ;) If you were the kind of person who did that sort of thing.

Just sayin. :P

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You could make fun of Werthead for misspelling Lamora in the thread title. ;) If you were the kind of person who did that sort of thing.

This is true. Scott will probably try to throw Wert into a barrel of horse piss for that. :rofl:

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This is true. Scott will probably try to throw Wert into a barrel of horse piss for that. :rofl:


Wert: Yes. We got the Fire and Blood, the Prince of Dorne, the Tower of Joy (in development), the Sunspear (also still in development), the Drowned God (a modified bloody mary, complete with seaweed, for "corpse revival" purposes)...a few more, but most are still only on paper. Also have the Inchoroi (that one's not for the faint of heart, fer sure) and the Firefly. (at some point I'll get these posted on my LJ. was supposed to do it tonight, but ended up assembling a lot of Ikea furniture instead.)

Oh yeah, Mr. X and I reconsidered. The Gentleman Bastard will be a brandy or cognac-based drink. For obvious reasons.

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OK, one question about the book, and then we can get back to the alcohol discussions.

SPOILER: Horse piss

I'm trying to work out the logistics of getting that much horse piss into a single vessel. Or in fact into two separate vessels at different times. How do you go about getting that quantity of horse piss in a short time frame, particularly Capa Barsavi, who needed it quite quickly?

Actually, I think I've just worked out the answer. Get a Gentled horse to stand in the same place until it's filled the barrel/coffin, right?

ETA: Ro, cheers for the advice on the spoiler thingamajigee

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OK, one question about the book, and then we can get back to the alcohol discussions.

SPOILER: Horse piss

I'm trying to work out the logistics of getting that much horse piss into a single vessel. Or in fact into two separate vessels at different times. How do you go about getting that quantity of horse piss in a short time frame, particularly Capa Barsavi, who needed it quite quickly?

Actually, I think I've just worked out the answer. Get a Gentled horse to stand in the same place until it's filled the barrel/coffin, right?

ETA: Ro, cheers for the advice on the spoiler thingamajigee

SPOILER: Horse piss

In the Real World piss was pretty easy to get at this times. For tanning and colourization of clothing (indigo) purposes urine was used. Could very well have been horse piss

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You could make fun of Werthead for misspelling Lamora in the thread title. ;) If you were the kind of person who did that sort of thing.

Just sayin. :P

I wasn't drunk this time, but I was suffering from dubiously-cooked sausages. That's my excuse, anyway.

This is true. Scott will probably try to throw Wert into a barrel of horse piss for that. :rofl:

Can't be any worse than my local pub that waters down the Guinness. Sickening :sick:

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Can't be any worse than my local pub that waters down the Guinness. Sickening :sick:

Heinous. :sick:

Actually, can somebody refresh my memory: have we had a discussion of Gentling yet? Because that shit is creepy. I'm going to spoiler the rest, just in case:

SPOILER: raw materials for Gentling

when I read the description of how they actually harvest the wraithstone, my first thought was "Dude, that sounds like they're hauling up radioactive waste from Yucca Mountain." Now, I know that this isn't plausible, but what can I say? My brain is a treacherous bulb of neurons. Anyway, from the nacreous eyes of Gentled animals (which sounds like radiation-induced cataracts) to the method of acquisition, I wonder if wraithstone really is radioactive waste left over from the Elders that are being re-used to another purpose. It doesn't explain the chemical lobotomy, though, so my analogy only goes so far. :unsure: I think I'm going to reread that passage...

Anyhoo -- thoughts, anyone?

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Rhelley -- it's pretty stupefying here today, too.

SPOILER: The Stuff!

I had forgotten about the dose-dependency issues. And good call with the Elders likely not being careless with their wastes. Maybe they knew of the potential for disaster and locked it away to prevent the Gentling of the entire Elder population (or there was a mining cartel much like DeBeers, and certain clans kept a stranglehold on wraithstone for financial purposes).

Speaking of the Elders, the Elderglass rose garden also creeped me out. I have a hard enough time with my parents' rose garden when pruning it, now I'm going to be thinking "you wanna drink my blood, do yeh?"

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Maan, I went to buy this the other day and it was out of stock. I got House of Chains instead *tear*.

S'funny...The day it came out, I was so determined to find a copy, i had to go to three bookstores before I found one that had it out on the shelves already...I was 5 minutes late to work, but I wasn't disappointed in the end. :lol:

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Finally got a chance to read this book.

I loved it. The most fun I've had reading a book, in I dont know how long.

my full review is here.

Only 11 months til Red Seas under Red Skys!

I might be looking forward to that book as much as A Dance with Dragons!

Now I'm back to read the spoilers in the first thread!

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Well, it's just good that there's a book out there which has been virtually unanimously well-received rather than, say, being slagged into the ground or the cause for major flame wars (though there is time yet...).

Having said all of that, it does look like we've scared Scott off for now. Obviously all the praise and slavish questioning was getting a bit much :D

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