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Favorite Westeros Houses


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Stark, Reed, Martell, Baratheon, Dayne, Blackwood, Umber, Mormont, Manderly, Flint.

this along with House Dustin

Least- Targaryens, Blackfyres, Greyjoy Codd and any other iron island houses other than Harlaw, Lannisters (save Jaime and Tyrion), Frey, Bolton

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Stark: essentialy the good guys with admirable family values and a code of honour

Lannister: most complex and interesting characters, make me laugh a lot


Dayne: dah

Blackfyre: complete assholes but it's hard not to admire them, mysterious

Seaworth: but that's just one person so not sure if that should count

Harlaw: the only Ironmen with more than two brain cells

Manderley: the smart Northerners that know how to play the game

Boltons: cool villains

Darklyns: ancient, cool name, defied the Mad King

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