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GOODKIND X: Lemmings of Discord


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It’s Terry Goodkind Quote of the Day time!!! <waits for applause to die down> I’ve decided to give Phantom and Chainfire a break for a little while, simply because it is hurting my brain, and I’d rather go back to some of the other books before I need a long vacation at the nut house (meaning a mental hospital, not a popular restaurant in the Old World). With that in mind, today we go way back to Stone of Tears, and the very first speech Richard ever gave. He’s been taken to the Palace of the Prophets by Verna and is brought before the assembled Sisters of the Light, the novices and other wizards. Considering the fact that Richard doesn’t have a clue how to use his magic, indeed he still isn’t entirely convinced that he has magic powers, this speech makes me wonder “Where the fuck does he get the ego?†Today’s QotD is served with a side of cheese. Enjoy.

“I have something to say.â€

The vast room fell to a hush. From two different places in his mind, the same thought had come forward at the same time. He recognized each origin. One was The Adventures of Bonnie Day, the book his father had given him, and the other was the sword’s magic, the knowledge of the sword, the spirits he had danced with. <the cha-cha, whereas the dance with Gratch is called “Doin’ the monkeyâ€:wink:.>

The memory and message were the same: When you are outnumbered, and the situation is hopeless, you have no option—you must attack.

He knew what the collar was for. His situation was hopeless. He had no options. He let the quiet ring in the chamber until it was uncomfortable.

His fingers tapped his Rada’Han. <the magic collar, for those of you who haven’t been paying attention.> “As long as you keep this collar on me, you are my captors, and I am your prisoner.†Murmurs hummed in the air. Richard let them trail off before he went on. “Since I have committed no aggression against you, that makes us enemies. We are at war.

“Sister Verna has made a pledge to me that I will be taught to control the gift, and when I have learned what is required, I will be set free. For now, as long as you keep that pledge, we have a truce. But there are conditions.â€

Richard lifted the red leather rod at his neck, the Agiel, in his hand. Beyond the rage of the magic, the Agiel was only a dim taingle of pain. “I have been collared before. The person who put that collar on me brought me pain, to punish me, to teach me, to subdue me.

“That is the sole purpose of a collar. You collar a beast. You collar your enemies.

“I made her much the same offer I am making you. I begged her to release me. She would not. I was forced to kill her.

“Not one of you could ever hope to be good enough to lick her boots. She did as she did because she was tortured and broken, made mad enough to use a collar to hurt people. She did it against her nature.

“You,†he looked to all the eyes, “you do it because you think it is your right. You enslave in the name of your Creator. I don’t know your Creator. The only one beyond this world I know who would do as you do is the Keeper.†The crowd gasped. “As far as I’m concerned, you may as well be the Keeper’s disciples.

“If you do as she, and use this collar to bring me pain, the truce will be ended. You may think you hold the leash to this collar, but I promise you, if the truce ends, you will find that what you hold is a bolt of lightning.â€

Dead-still silence rang in the room <why does silence always ring in these books?> Richard rolled up his left sleeve. He drew the Sword of Truth. The distinctive sound of steel filled the silence.

“The Baka Ban Mana are my people. They have agreed to live in peace with all people from now on. Anyone who harms one of them will answer to me. If you do not accept this, do not let the Baka Ban Mana live in peace, our truce will be ended.â€

He pointed back with the sword. “Sister Verna captured me. I have fought her every step of this journey. She has done everything short of killing me and draping my body over a horse to get me here. Though she, too, is my captor and enemy, I owe her certain debts. If anyone lays a finger to her because of me, I will kill that person, and the truce will be ended.â€

From the corner of his eye, Richard cold see Sister Verna’s eyes close. Her hand covered her white face.

The crowd gasped as Richard drew his sword across the inside of his arm. He turned it, wiping both sides in the blood, until it dripped from the tip.

His knuckles white around the hilt, he thrust the blade into the air.

“I give you a blood oath! Harm the Baka Ban Mana, harm Sister Verna, or harm me, and the truce will be ended, and I promise you we will have war! If we have war, I will lay waste to the Palace of the Prophets!â€

From the far balcony, where Richard couldn’t see its source, a mocking voice drifted out over the crowd. “All by yourself?â€

“Doubt me at your peril. I am a prisoner; I have nothing to live for. I am the flesh of prophecy. I am the bringer of death.â€

~Terry Goodkind, Stone of Tears

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:sick: :sick: :sick:

pure Wensleydale.

From two different places in his mind, the same thought had come forward at the same time.

WTF - 2 parts of his mind? is he suffering from a bizarre form of MPD? Who does his mind multitask like this? Is TG serious about this???

oh, and how can he claim that WOT has not influenced his story - it reads like a Bondage version of WOT.

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The crowd gasped as Richard drew his cock sword across the inside of his arm. He turned it, wiping both sides in the blood, until it dripped from the tip.

His knuckles white around the hilt, he thrust the blade into the air.

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Yeah, Richard has some kind of bipolar disorder, among other mental issues. After all, he hears voices in his head, and most of the time the voices tell him to kill people. The Adventures of Bonnie Day is a kids book that continues to teach him valuable lessons, even as an adult. Just like Star Wars does for me.

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Ah, yes, the good old days, when Richard occasionally sounded like a semi-sane person. :P Pretentious as hell, of course, but even so - the Sisters of the Light are utter bitches. They do treat him in a way that is considered inhumane when you do it to animals. Given that (and given that it's Richard), he's actually very reasonable.

These days, he would have massacred them all, I'm sure. Collar? What collar? It would be burned to ashes by the white-hot fire of his righteousness!

EDIT: Mind you, the whole "if you're outnumbered and the situation is hopeless, you must attack" thing sounds like the usual objectivist nonsense. Submitting makes you feel bad and small, so it must not only be morally wrong, but also inefficient. After all, all objectivists knows (or so it would seem based on what I've read) that nothing that feels bad is ever good for you.

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Isn't attacking when you're outnumbered choosing death though? I mean sure, in Goodkind's books he can have Richard attack and single handedly defeat the fighting centipede that can't get out of its own way, but he can't believe that this has any real world application. Or is going out in a final blaze of glory somehow better then surviving and possibly opening yourself up to other unpleasant things?

Surrounded on all sides by these lemmings of discord this seems like a contradiction and a betrayal of life, but I'm sure I'm wrong.

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Greetings and salutations, fellow lemmings of discord! :D

Just got another email from our favorite TG advocate. And needless to say, well Mystar he ain't a happy camper. And he doesn't care much for these threads. ;)

Mad Moose, I doubt he'll pick up the gauntlet, though one never knows. If you catch him on one of his bad days. . .

As for Rimmer and the others who wanted me to send them Mystar's email from last Friday, sorry but I won't do it. Mormont was right, though I thought I needed to post the whole thing to make it more legit. Otherwise I would have been accused to taking portions of it out of context, etc.

So to make a long story short, Mystar basically called my work on the blog mediocre at best. He called people here lemmings of discord (catchy, that!) and trolls and a bunch of other stuff. And more importantly, he said that I and the rest of you trolls cannot accept the TRUTH that there is a lot more to love about the SoT than we let on. So as you can, nothing new, really. Although he appears to consider me the king troll or something, claiming that you guys have corrupted my gentle soul and made me a Goodkind-hating prick! Whatever works for him.

I'm just along for the ride! Mindonner and Mad Moose, keep these things coming! :P


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Ah, the fresh new smell of a Goodkind thread...does someone need to post the stuff about not flaming, etc?

Anyway, here is a little taste of the upcoming Bible of Truth, from the book of Zeddthew (this passage is also known as "The Yeardatitudes"), 5:1-10

1 And seeing the multitudes, he went up into a mountain: and when he was set, his followers came unto him:

2 And he opened his mouth, and made speech at them, saying,

3 Damned are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of Untruthfulness.

4 Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted by the screams of their enemies as they are tortured through the night.

5 Damned are the meek: for they shall inherit nothing, as a strong man must be loud and certain in the Truth.

6 Damned are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they do not know the Truth, and lust after some Creator to do their thinking for them.

7 Damned are the merciful: for they shall know no mercy.

8 Blessed are the pure in heart: for only Richard Rahl is really pure in heart.

9 Damned are the peacemakers: for they shall be become corpses on the end of my sword.

10 Blessed are they which persecute others for Truth's sake: for theirs is the kingdom of serving Richard his dinner.

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Since before these threads I had never even heard of Ayn Rand I did some reading on her. I came across the following two quotes:

"An ideal woman is a man-worshiper, and an ideal man is the highest symbol of mankind."

"The essence of femininity is hero worship - the desire to look up to man."

~Ayn Rand

I'm not surprised she generally isn't taken seriously!

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Since before these threads I had never even heard of Ayn Rand I did some reading on her. I came across the following two quotes:

"An ideal woman is a man-worshiper, and an ideal man is the highest symbol of mankind."

"The essence of femininity is hero worship - the desire to look up to man."

~Ayn Rand

I'm not surprised she generally isn't taken seriously!

That fits. All the female characters in TG (BBNC)'s books worship Richard. After all, it was Nicci's fear of never seeing Richard again that gave her the strength to rip that guys still-beating heart out of his chest, and Kahlan spends half of each book crying over being separated from him. All the Mord-Sith go on at great length about how dear Richard is to them and how they will willingly lay down their lives for him. Richard should be getting laid a lot more often I think. I know I would, but I may not be the highest symbol of mankind, despite my best efforts.

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So as you can, nothing new, really. Although he appears to consider me the king troll or something, claiming that you guys have corrupted my gentle soul and made me a Goodkind-hating prick! Whatever works for him.

Woohoo!! I love the fresh scent of Corruption in the morning. It smells like…. Victory

Pat5150 welcome to the dark side where we help our fellow humans in the time of need and believe that kicking small children is wrong. We also question how a person whose spine was ripped out still has the ability to swing a sword. We also wonder how a spine can be ripped out by a person with their bare hands. Sometimes in our clearer moments the question of how can someone punch through the ribcage to rip out the heart is possible.

Oh the dark side where questions never end and not a morally clear person is in sight*!

*Unless of course they have been achieved the “Clear†level according to the Church of Scientology, because people that have spent that much money, can’t be wrong.

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See, that SOT quote isn't nearly as bad as the ones from Phantom or Chainfire. It's bad, but it doesn't even approach.

And who is Mystar? I came into this rather late.

It's true, the series gets worse as it goes on. Thats why I need to go back to early books just to give myself a bit of a break, Phantom was becoming a strain on my sanity.

Mystar is a dear close friend of Terry (BBNC), he runs the TG fansite and routinely comes trolling around here to accuse us of being trolls and losers and so on. He doesn't like us at all.

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I tried to stay away from these threads. I mean, I started a thread about Cormac McCarthy fer chrissakes to somehow dilute the Tairy angst. No avail, I'm back. And thank god we're not talking Phantom anymore. I never thought I'd see the day when I'd look forward to a quote from WFR or, if we're gonna be completist, Debt of Bones (that's a winner, fo sho!). Goddamn.

Now, I'll be the first to say that we gotta be civil (not nice, just civil) to all the SoT lovers out there. I mean, hey, I like Bakker and he's got a rabid-hate crowd all his own who I love to bait. Hell, there are 3 or 4 of us in this thread alone! So, a nod to Mystar for belief in TG's literary talent, despite the veritable Olympos Mons of evidence to the contrary. But I'm also gonna be the first (8th; 50th) to say to our nemesis: Suck It Up, man.

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I tried to stay away from these threads. I mean, I started a thread about Cormac McCarthy fer chrissakes to somehow dilute the Tairy angst. No avail, I'm back. And thank god we're not talking Phantom anymore. I never thought I'd see the day when I'd look forward to a quote from WFR or, if we're gonna be completist, Debt of Bones (that's a winner, fo sho!). Goddamn.

I read WFR, but I never finished it, because it bored me, but I thought the Debt of Bones, the short story in Legends, was rather good. I was tempted for a while to go back and read another book of the SoT series. Now, I'm rather glad I didn't.

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He pointed back with the sword. “Sister Verna captured me. I have fought her every step of this journey. She has done everything short of killing me and draping my body over a horse to get me here. Though she, too, is my captor and enemy, I owe her certain debts. If anyone lays a finger to her because of me, I will kill that person, and the truce will be ended.â€

I think it was very clear at this point in the series: Richard has a rather strange case of Stockholm Syndrome.

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I think it was very clear at this point in the series: Richard has a rather strange case of Stockholm Syndrome.

Well, considering the number of times he's been captured somehow, that's no surprise.

Btw, are Mystar's appearances here frequent? I've been following this lunacy for awhile, and I can't remember seeing a post by someone with that name. Unless he uses an alt?

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His appearances are usually brief and infrequent (and not using an alt). Regardless, this thread should be focused on the words, work and life of Terry Goodkind (BBHN), not personal commentary regarding another poster on this board or references to another board.

Let's get back on subject.

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