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Small Questions v.10088

Jon Weirgaryen

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Robert could be merciful. Ser Barristan was hardly the only man he had pardoned. Grand Maester Pycelle, Varys the Spider, Balon Greyjoy, each had been counted an enemy to Robert once, and each had been welcomed into friendship and allowed to retain honors and office for a pledge of fealty. So long as he was brave and honest, Robert would treat him with all the honor and respect due a valiant enemy. ---aGoT page 466

Varys the Spider brave and honest? In Robert's eyes?

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Is there a chance that Aenys was not the son of Aegon?It would be funny actually.

Possibly. See here and also the link to the earlier version of the thread too. You'll need to go to V.1 to find the bits about Aenys I think. We've speculated that with Aegon the seed was, quite sadly, not strong.

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Is there any mention in the books of a sighting of the moon in daytime ? Seems like the moon is mostly, if not only, noticed during the night. This quote from Clash 17 makes it look like moonrise is a time in the night :

(Tyrion) went up to his bedchamber to await Varys, who would soon be making an appearance. Evenfall, he guessed. Perhaps as late as moonrise, though he hoped not. He wanted to visit Shae tonight.

If it's true, that would be a difference between Planetos and Earth that I don't remember seeing mentioned. Could it have been magically induced, like the disturbed seasons ?

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Is there any evidence greenseers can see the future?

Well Jojen had his green dreams about "the sea coming to Winterfell." Though he is not a greenseer he implies the greenseers were more powerful than him. So I bet they could have prophetic dreams too.

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Is there any evidence greenseers can see the future?


Once you have mastered your gifts, you may look where you will and see what the trees have seen, be it yesterday or last year or a thousand ages past. Men live their lives trapped in an eternal present, between the mists of memory and the sea of shadow that is all we know of the days to come. Certain moths live their whole lives in a day, yet to them that little span of time must seem as long as years and decades do to us. An oak may live three hundred years, a redwood tree three thousand. A weirwood will live forever if left undisturbed. To them seasons pass in the flutter of a moth’s wing, and past, present, and future are one. Nor will your sight be limited to your godswood. The singers carved eyes into their heart trees to awaken them, and those are the first eyes a new greenseer learns to use … but in time you will see well beyond the trees themselves.

"When?” Bran wanted to know.

“In a year, or three, or ten. That I have not glimpsed. It will come in time, I promise you. But I am tired now, and the trees are calling me...

Weirwoods have past/present and future as one, implying you can see the future.

Bloodraven implies it is possible to see the future by saying he hasn't glimpsed when Bran will master his gifts, but the quote implies it is possible to glimpse this future

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Well Jojen had his green dreams about "the sea coming to Winterfell." Though he is not a greenseer he implies the greenseers were more powerful than him. So I bet they could have prophetic dreams too.

I was thinking more of through a weirwood... as opposed to dreams that are more cryptic. Like a greenseer could look for something.


Weirwoods have past/present and future as one, implying you can see the future.

Bloodraven implies it is possible to see the future by saying he hasn't glimpsed when Bran will master his gifts, but the quote implies it is possible to glimpse this future

I was looking at these -- I'm at the stage where i think you can somehow, but it's written very ambiguously. I wouldn't use these as hard evidence despite being a believer. Shame there isn't anything clearer, but i guess the ambiguity is on purpose...

and just before that is this, which doesnt mention future...

The oak is the acorn, the acorn is the oak. And the weirwood…a thousand human years are a moment to a weirwood, and through such gates you and I may gaze into the past.”

btw grrm is quite guarded about how time functions....

Some of the developments in A Dance With Dragons open the possibility that some characters may be able to influence events that have already happened. Are you leaving open the possibility that the past might be malleable?

[Long pause.] It's not something I care to give away. I will say that the past and the present and the future are all kind of one continuum, and there are different ways of looking at it. The past is always with us.

(but still with moqorro etc i'd be surprised if you couldnt look to the future similarly via weirwoods. Not sure what point weirwoods not differentiating between the past, present and future is otherwise)


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so what did Varys say to Robert to convince him to let him stay?

A pledge of fealty, according to that quote.

ETA: Yolkboy - Yeah, I agree they are ambiguous quotes. I agree with your interpretation, but it isn't exactly concrete evidence. I think the SSM is guarded because it is something GRRM obviously wants to toy with in future books. Bran is outright told by BR he can't influence the past, which is an immediate red light to the reader. I imagine GRRM wants to keep it mysterious until we axtually.read about it. Can't wait for Bran in Winds of Winter, heh

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I have seen it asserted that Maggy the frog is Jeyne Stark westerling's grandmother. Is there any textual evidence of this?

In Storm, Kevan tells is after news of Robbs wedding has reached KL:

Lady Sybells grandfather was a trader in saffron and pepper, almost as lowborn as that smuggler that Stannis keeps. And the grandmother was some woman he'd brought back from the east. A frightening old crone, supposed to be a priestess. Maegi they called her. No one could pronounce her real name. Half of Lannisport used to go to her for cures and love potions and the like.

Though Maggy was the great grandmother of Jeyne, not grandmother
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I have seen it asserted that Maggy the frog is Jeyne Stark westerling's grandmother. Is there any textual evidence of this?

Yes, there is evidence. But I don't have my books with me. Maggy is Jeyne's Great Grandmother, the grandmother of Sybelle Spicer....I think

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I imagine this might tie into the theory too? (I'm not familiar with it so I could be wrong):

I think that line suggests that the North will follow Stannis to a point but will join Daenerys after she has Drogo slay Stannis.
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How did the Spicers get their surname? There don't seem to be any other examples of lowborns with a family name in the books, so were they named for their trade in an Essosi fashion, did they make enough money to get above their origins and give themselves a surname, or was there a small house that happened to be called Spicer which they married into?

Do they have a coat of arms, even if they have never born arms?

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