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Bakker XXX: A Dark and Seminal Work


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A truly breathtaking self delusion where all counter evidence is tortured and interpretted to PROVE that one is right all along. It's amazing and a little beautiful and sad he's concocted such a auto reinforcing bubble that cannot be disproven because all proof of failure is actually proof of success!

Bakers comment on his blog:

The crazy thing is, I’ve actually come to regard losing followers as a sign D-chirp success. The same goes for ‘Likes’! I don’t know what my problem is. But like I said when I began, building a crossroads between incompatible empires is what this whole thing is about. This is where I dwell, and the degree to which it alienates others, triggers defensiveness, dismissiveness, superiority, dislike, moral umbrage, is simply the degree to which I have made my point. Very few people know what to do with me, anywhere, ever.

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Yeah, all I have to say is hee.

In an almost entirely but not exactly unlike that self delusion, ACM has called it quits after realizing all that hate wasn't doing the world any favors.

And yeah, I was an asshole for years and said a lot of crap I regret, only I wasn’t big enough to own up to it and apologize then. It’s a huge accumulation of being shitty, I hurt a lot of people. I’m sorry I didn’t grow up and learn better sooner. I toned down as the years went by, but in the process of that I should have made apologies as I went along, not waited until the end. Unfair yes, shitty yes. Because I was an asshole who just didn’t want to admit she was wrong.

It’s past time for me to own up, and stop being an asshole, and stop making everything about me and my need to look meaner and tougher than everyone else

It's always possible that people aren't following you because you're pushing all the right buttons, making them dismiss you because they can't face the truth that you're telling them. That the revelations that you expose are too hard for them to bear without striking back, lashing out against the world as it is because of what the world should be. That's all possible.

Or it could be that you're an asshole.

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I'm sure he regards the lack of sales and being dropped by Penguin as a sign of success as well.

That's his biggest accomplishment yet. Stay tuned for a big celebratory announcement once he goes into self-publishing... "I've finally made my point!!!"

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I don't think Theliopa is hiding anything, she's pretty much autistic - not all there mentally but in many ways she's brilliant.

I don't think she's necessarily a martial arts master, but time and time again we've been told Dunyain think nothing of looking weak in order to be purposefully underestimated.

Then again, she might only have the academic portion of Kellhus with none of the foresight or cunning...perhaps she and Inraltus were halves that could've been a whole...

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I believe they're referring to this string of comments.

EDIT: I will also note that I am not bakkerfans. mrganondorf over at SA is responsible for all things "bakkerfans" and takes to calling himself Madnesss because he likes to fuck with people :).

If bakkerfans is mrganondorf then who's 'Alt'?

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I believe they're referring to this string of comments.

EDIT: I will also note that I am not bakkerfans. mrganondorf over at SA is responsible for all things "bakkerfans" and takes to calling himself Madnesss because he likes to fuck with people :).


Yeah, that's him.

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Three bucks says it's Bolivar.

I wish I did since apparently it was YOU who the post linked back to as starting the rumors! :p

I really wish I could take credit for Wilshire's post though:

Also, one point of contention, if your goal is to build a crossroads, wouldnt you want to be attracting people to it rather than repelling them? I fail to see how you can claim to be building a crossroads if no one shows up If the only road there is your own What am i missing? Maybe crossroads isnt a great analogy. Seems like youre building Ishual, a lonely place in the mountains for like minded individuals to study in solitude, rather than Sauglish.

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