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Elio and Linda... Thanks for the book


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Just wanted to thank Elio and Linda for the work they've put into the book, I'm eagerly anticipating it's arrival on my door step here in the UK,

Regardless of the trolls on a certain other forum and fake amazon reviews, I want to say a huge thanks for the work you've both put into the book, without you guy this book may never have happened at all.

Thanks Elio, and thanks Linda, for the years of work, maintaining the forums and website and for your youtube videos.

Much love from the UK and I hope I speak for the rest of the fans when I say it's much appreciated.

Let's show them some love since they've been getting a bit of unwarranted hate from the shitheads of this here asoiaf community

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Just finished my second reread. Amazing piece of work, you've done here. I'm sure it'll soon come the time when we all will start complaining of the missing location of Raventree Hall or the list of Valyrian Steel swords othat's lacking. But for now, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! You and George have given me hours of fun already.

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Just finished my second reread. Amazing piece of work, you've done here. I'm sure it'll soon come the time when we all will start complaining of the missing location of Raventree Hall or the list of Valyrian Steel swords othat's lacking. But for now, THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!! You and George have given me hours of fun already.

We know where Raventree is already from TLOIAF.

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We know where Raventree is already from TLOIAF.

Still more reason to criticize the fact that it doesn't appear in the riverland's map. As Darry, Wayfarer's Rest, or the ruins of Whitewalls. :P

But let's not deride the thread. There'll be time for criticisms. Now it's time for the congratulations on the great work and great result!

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Wonderful book. Your hard work and dedication really come through, I am very impressed. It's quite a striking book, going to be a great centerpiece of the Ice and Fire wall of my man cave.

You deserve all the success and notoriety you get from this.

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Yes, thank you. You have done a marvelous job. This morning when I grudgingly put down the book to get ready for work, I once again glanced at the cover and I wonder how proud you must feel to have your names alongside GRRM's on a book that will most likely be a best seller.

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