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acroPHILIA #4 - The actual game thread


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People's nicknames reflect their character and actions. The Jaime clue you made refers to his actions. We'd get it even if he wasn't also known as the Kingslayer. It seems to me you come close to saying you can't mention the obvious characteristics or myths around the characters, because thats too straightforward and everyone would understand your clue - which is the aim. Like are we supposed not to mention anything about Tyrion being a dwarf, or short, stunted, etc because he's known as the imp? Madness for Aerys?

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The first deadline is over and I basically have all clues. Basically, because two players gave me two options, saying they'd tell me their final decision later... but they didn't yet. There's also a bunch of people who gave me answers in a "probably change later"-state. You still have a chance to change and decide now - I'll hand out the new characters and acronyms first, that will take some time. If I don't have the anwers when I'm finished, I go ahead and decide and post the list.

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Well, here is the list of round 1 clues:

1. Brobdingnagian tree decal. Suggested alternate offspring option.

2. Butcher treaties dragon. Slave. Agitator. Oncoming offspring.

3. Backs the Dragons. Sunspear's administrator often outside.

4. Burns the detractors, "sacrificially". Also, office obsessed.

5. Brutal! This dudes spawn: aplenty, offensive, oafs.

6. Boated to destiny. Shot arrows originally overflew.

7. Bent, then didn't subdue archrival. Offspring obligated.

8. Brood: twink; dowager; swordsman; antalgic (offspring of?)

9. Beautiful, the daughter sweet around old otōsan.

10. Bald, top designated steward, always on orders.

11. Bridegroom to daughters. Secret ancestry of Others?

12. Beautiful toxic diplomat, serpentine and obdurately outrageous.

13. Best throne defender simultaneously an oathbreaking opportunist.

14. Booked two distinctive swords arranged off one.

One of these 14 clues isn't describing a character, but is supposed to hint at the theme instead.

The deadline is Thursday, 18th december, 18 pm Central European time.

Remember the new prelim rule: You may send PMs with up to three preliminary clue yes-no-questions (e.g. "Is the answer to clue #5 Davos Seaworth?" or "Is the character of clue #8 a Westerosi?" or "Is clue #10 the theme clue?") and one preliminary theme guess (e.g. "Is the theme 'Youngest siblings'?") to the host. The host will answer these PMs with "Yes" or "No" or "Phrase your question more clearly" or, in the case of the theme, "Close". The preliminary guesses may be asked one by one and the players may choose the order.

When you ask a 'yes/no' question, you can put more than one thing in it, if you are prepared to deal with the additional risk.

For example, I ask 'Is the #4 a Westerosi female?'. Those are two things in one question: 'Westerosi' and 'female'. If yomi answers 'yes', I know the character is both Westerosi and female, but if she says 'no', I can only guess if it is a 'no' on one or both counts and get almost no useful information at all.

Another example is if you decide to put your answers to two or more clues as one question (I suppose you would have to be very clear with yomi that you are doing just that and not asking separate questions). One such question could be: 'Is the answer to #4 Batman and is the answer to #11 Flounder?' Again, if you get a 'yes', you know that you have both answers right, but if you get a 'no', you do not know if you are entirely wrong or wrong on one count and if so, on which count.

Don't forget to guess the theme and to vote for a favourite clue.

Good Luck!

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Holy cow! I know they always seem impossible at first glance, but I had to check back to the rules to see if something had changed so that there was no point in making your clue guessable...

PS The mist has cleared now, I have answers to all but three. One of them I think I can narrow down with a bit of research in the wiki, the others are just opaque to me right now, hopefully I'll get em eventually. Of the ones I think I have right, I can't see a clue.

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Nobody fancied the 4-letter acronym then? :lol:

I had it and yomi preferred it, but I decided it was entirely too obvious. :tonguewag: But now I think it would have been a way to at least some points, because at the first view I only have guesses for about six clues. Even if I am fairly certain I know the theme and separate the clue for the theme. I think I might spend all my preliminary questions on such clue as the #9 clue, just out of spite :grin:

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READ THIS :pirate:

yomi asked me to clarify something for a moment, because I asked about it and she had to go before she could do it here herself.

I hope I will be clear.

When you ask a 'yes/no' question, you can put more than one thing in it, if you are prepared to deal with the additional risk.

For example, I ask 'Is the #4 a Westerosi female?'. Those are two things in one question: 'Westerosi' and 'female'. If yomi answers 'yes', I know the character is both Westerosi and female, but if she says 'no', I can only guess if it is a 'no' on one or both counts and get almost no useful information at all.

Another example is if you decide to put your answers to two or more clues as one question (I suppose you would have to be very clear with yomi that you are doing just that and not asking separate questions). One such question could be: 'Is the answer to #4 Batman and is the answer to #11 Flounder?' Again, if you get a 'yes', you know that you have both answers right, but if you get a 'no', you do not know if you are entirely wrong or wrong on one count and if so, on which count.

I hope I got it right.

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