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Crusader Kings II Game of Thrones Mod


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Does the multiplayer for the game of thrones mod work?

There's enough of us to have a really big, really awesome game sometime.

Anyone else interested in trying to schedule something like that?

The multipalyer works, but it isnt very stable.

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Does anyone have any tips for getting into this game? I really want to play but it just seems insanely complicated I don't know where to start. I tried watching some walk through vids but they just left me more confused.

Starting as either a Lord Paramount in the North or Iron Isles or even the Vale (just something secluded) after the death of dragons (because dragons are wayy op) is a good way to learn.

Alternatively, you could start in Ireland as a petty king, and just kind of learn by playing. It's really daunting at first, but the learning process is quite organic- the tutorial really sucks.

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I remember that the first thing I did was play with Stannis after he defeated Mance... bad idea, I lost.

Two weeks later, after I had won the Dance, restored Valyria with Volantis, won the Rebellion with both sides, became King of Westeros after starting as a Minor House I tried against... and won.

I loved CK2 before and with this mod, winning a war or becoming King just makes me feel great. I would recoment it

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Does the multiplayer for the game of thrones mod work?

There's enough of us to have a really big, really awesome game sometime.

Anyone else interested in trying to schedule something like that?

I would be very interested in that...

My biggest hate on the game is that you can't arrange political marriages with the greyjoys... Plus, no naval battles almost makes it impossible to play as Greyjoy because the Lannisters will crush you anytime you make a move.

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Does anyone have any tips for getting into this game? I really want to play but it just seems insanely complicated I don't know where to start. I tried watching some walk through vids but they just left me more confused.

Maybe I can help you with some of the stuff.

You're playing as the head of a dynasty, when you die you continue playing as your heir, with all the titles he holds and inherits. Who inherits what is governed by the succession laws of the title, different parts of your realm can have different succssesion laws.

Agnatic-Cognatic means: females can only inherit if you don't have a son

Agnatic: only males can inherit

Cognatic: males and females are equal

Gavelkind means: your titles are split between all eligible children

Primogeniture: the oldest child gets everything

Elective: you and all direct vassals vote on who inherits next

There are 5 stats diplomacy, stewardship, martial, intrigue and learning, each influence corresponding actions throughout the game. Each stat has an assosciated 'education' which can have 5 ranks (eg 'misguided warrior' up to 'briliant strategist' for martial). You can also have a crap ton of diffrent 'traits' all with different bonuses or maluses.

At the age of 6 you have to pick a guardian to educate your child. This guardian has a high chance to influence education, traits, culture and faith of your child.

At the age of 16 you can marry off your children. A good match is an alliance with a nearby lord or a genetic trait (like genius or attractive) or a claim on a title you want.

The game hasn't really a winning condition, you play as long as you control at least one 'demesne' (Domain - a castle, city or temple) or until the end date (for the main game - 1453).

You can only control a limited number of demesnes, at some point you have to create vassals to rule over bigger territories and you have to keep them happy or they will rebell.

To start a war you need a valid 'casus belli' (justification for war), what's valid is governed by your faith and culture. Usually, you need a claim on the contested title, which you can get through mariages or by fabricating one with your councilors.

Another important rule is the 'de jure' (by law) condition, eg. the kingdoms of Scotland, Wales, Ireland and England are de jure part of the empire of Britannia. what this means is: if you control at least 50% of the counties of a de jure title you get a free claim on the rest.

Combat consists of 3 phases and each unit type is good at differnt phases of a battle

Skirmish - archers

Melee - infantry

Pursuit - cavalry

Ideally you want an army to consist of 2 parts archer, 3 parts infantry and 1 part cavalry. You should never attack an equal force over a river, strait or up a mountain or you'll get hefty maluses. Also each county has a supply limit, if your army is bigger than that you'll lose troops to atrition,

CK II has very good tooltips, if you want to know what's behind a number just hover over it. And don't play the game in standard map mode, use 'independent realm' (button w)

I hope that helped.

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I was playing either Robert's Rebellion scenario or the WOT5K as Dorne/Doran Martell. Later on Stannis ascends to the throne and years later he becomes hungry for titles and forcing others to forfeit theirs. At one point he tries the same to me and I refuse, so a rebellion is my answer. Gather my forces as best I can and all the Iron Throne is doing is dropping small armies by sea behind the Prince's Pass While bigger armies are coming through the Pass. I look doomed even as I was mopping up the smaller forces that he landed near my capital (like 1000 men to all the strength of Dorne on several battles) because he had the support of regions like the Reach, Vale, and North. I was surprised by two things though: The Riverlands sided with me and on the first big battle, about ten seconds in, I capture Stannis and end the war.

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Don't actually have CK2 or the mod, but I was following play-along thread on another forum, and there was a hilarious sequence where Stannis destroyed the Lannisters at Blackwater, executed Joffrey and Cersei, got Selyse so horny by doing this she and Stannis got it on and she gave birth to a son.

Then Stannis turned North to crush the Stark rebellion (now being led by Roose Bolton under Bran Stark's banner) wherein Stannis was slain in single combat by Howland Reed.

Reed did nothing else in that game, either prior to that point or afterwards.

The thread kinda died out after that because I mean how do you top that :lmao:

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I would be very interested in that...

My biggest hate on the game is that you can't arrange political marriages with the greyjoys... Plus, no naval battles almost makes it impossible to play as Greyjoy because the Lannisters will crush you anytime you make a move.

Yeah. If you can go into the religion file and make it so you can intermarry different religions. It doesn't make sense that Drowned God people can only marry Drowned God People, and the Old Gods can't marry the Seven and stuff.

documents/paraodox interactive/crusaker kings II/mod/a game of thrones/common/religions/00_religions.txt

Alternatively, you can have your heir's guardian be someone with the faith of the seven, so they might just convert, and then be able to intermarry, but of course all your drowned god vassals would hate you. :(

Here's an example of the information for the seven.

See where it says intermarry = other religion names here? You just add that part to all the religions you want to be able to intermarry. You can also do all the essosi religions if you want, but I never got around to it. I hope they fix that in the next release though.

the_seven = {

graphical_culture = westerngfx
icon = 1
color = { 0.8 0.8 0.6 }
crusade_name = "HOLY_WAR"
scripture_name = THE_SEVEN-POINTED_STAR
god_names = {
evil_god_names = {
# Tentative - Heavy cavalry bonuses!
unit_modifier = {
heavy_cavalry_offensive = 0.2
heavy_cavalry_defensive = 0.2
investiture = yes
can_excommunicate = yes #no
can_grant_divorce = yes #no
#can_grant_invasion_cb = no
can_grant_claim = no
can_call_crusade = no
can_have_antipopes = no
priests_can_inherit = no
religious_clothing_head = 0
max_consorts = 5
intermarry = old_gods
intermarry = drowned_god
intermarry = beyond_the_wall_old_gods

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