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First To Die In TWOW- Myrcella or Tommen?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Tommen will die first. I Think Myrcella will be crowned, not sure if she will sit on the throne, or be crowned by Martells or by Cersei or someone else outside King's Landing (she doesn't have to sit on the Iron Throne, just be crowned). She won't live long after the crowning either way.

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  • 3 weeks later...

No it means these are the books, not the show. The show has already done things very differently, there's no reason to use it as reference for what will happen in the books. I mean Jaime doesn't go to Dorne in the books.

I'm saying Tommen gets the axe first.

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  • 3 weeks later...

TOMMEN. Young Rambo Reincarnated Aegon VI bout to bumrush that smelly city and serve some revenge pie to the Lannisters in the Sack of KL 2.0. And that poor little boy's heads gonna get spiked right in front of mommy dearest....

Well at least I hope this is how Winds starts and given how the Golden Co. looks like the 2nd coming of the Blitzkrieg in DwD it's not too much to ask for them to continue their rampage into Westeros.

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