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Facts about Stannis Baratheon

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The Starks chose their words because "Stannis is Coming" would scare their own people.

Targaryen words were chosen because "Fire , Blood & Stannis" means practically the same thing as just "Stannis".

Baratheon decided to change their words from "Ours is the Mannis" because nobody calls Stannis "Ours" (unless its "Our One True King").

Arryns words were chosen because "Almost as high as what Stannis would be if he was a lot less high" is too pretentious

Martell words were changed from "Unbowed, Unbent, Unbroken but only because we never met Stannis" after they decided the second part is kind of obvious.

Greyjoys original words were "We Do Not Sow but Stannis is the one true king of the seven kingdoms and all the usurpers should die" but it was too long so they shortened it.

Lannister words were chosen because the first option "Stannis is totally going to kick our ass" was decided to be understatement

Tyrell words were originally "Growing less unStannislike"

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The Dothraki actually misinterpreted their prophecy. It was about the Stannis Who Mounts the World, but since they did not know of any Stannis they figured a Stallion would make do.

Stannis knows why 42 is the answer.

The Maesters were originally founded in a doomed attempt to compile Stannis's immense knowledge.

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