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Fewer! why did Stannis make this correction?

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There was... long ago... a thread about Stannis being an autist. I think the correction was meant to show some kind of illness, mabe not autism, but an illness nonetheless.

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The quiet grammar Nazi aspect of his character has totally made me fall in love with Stannis. I love the way he quietly and confidently corrects someone (on Ned, on grammar) and then just lets it go. It's hard to tell whether he doesn't care if others know he is right or if he just can't be bothered to explain the finer points to lesser minds. It's hilarious. I'm also hoping that he has revived this distinction in the real world of the English language. I'm an editor, and several style books over the past few years have given up on insisting between the distinction of fewer and less. Grammar nerds unite!

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I'm not willing to give these guys any benefit of the doubt anymore. A callback would have been to have Stannis say another grammar nazi joke; using the exact same one is just plain lazy to me.

So you're a bigot to D&D's? :eek:

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It's the same, but in that context "fewer" was more appropriate.


"less" is used for things that are uncountable (less sugar) and "fewer" for the ones that can be counted (fewer people)

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