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[Book Spoilers] EP508 Discussion


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Great ep. Still processing everything.

How is it possible with ALL those wildlings.. none of them were using FIRE ?

There was some fire being used. But you have to remember it was wights in Castle Black. I think with the Walkers, the extreme cold they bring could perhaps douse a normal fire (think about the series first scene).

They probably can't douse dragonfire, or even (maybe) wildfire, because both are magical.

It's long been my theory: When a normal person dies, they become wights.

When a Stark dies, they join the council of the White Walkers. Maybe in the past, when the Starks got old, they left to go "hunting".... But they were going to join their ancestors.

The tombs in Winterfell are empty.

So, the summarize:

The Others wearing the sweet armor: Dead Starks. The Kings Of Winter.

The Other soldiers: Babies that were turned.

Wights: Normal people killed.

Sounds like a good theory to me.

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I have a feeling that Olly isn't going to turn against Jon now.

I wouldn't mind if they skipped that now, it just seems stupid that Olly/some other NW members would do something like that after Jon has just saved a bunch of people and killed a freaking WW! But there has been so much foreshadowing that I think it's happening, underlining how even in the NW people are caught up in the games of power and revenge when there's actually a huge threath coming for them all and they should be joining forces.

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I think the battle of the Fist of the FIrst Men was better. It had polar bears. Wighted Polar Bears. Awesome. This was good too.

Show didnt want to do the Fist of the First Men though, cost too much money. But they didn this to make up for it.

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Ooh, another thing I thought of was how Tyrion said the Starks are gone, and I'm like... uhm, actually, nope. Only Ned, Catelyn and Robb. Jon, Sansa, Arya, Bran and Rickon are still out there. What a shock to Westeros when all of those bad-ass Starks come out of the woodworks and show 'em all what's what. Ned and Catelyn done raised them up some survivors, yo!

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I really loved every scene leading up to Hardhome. Arya's were great because it gave us a little more context about the FM and that they at least do some good in the world. Lena's performance was brilliant as usual. Reek reveal to Sansa was gold. The only so-so scenes were the Boltons and Sam/Olly, but honestly after that incredible battle I don't think many of the casual viewers will be remembering those scenes too well.

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Ha, Benioff just mentioned that the Night's King is watching in the after credits stuff.

I tend to think the Night's King might not be a spoiler, just a device they might be using to give the Others a more focused antagonistic power for the show and to highlight their (probable) human origins.

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Wouldn't they need a body?

I wonder if that means that the reason the WW are coming is because neither Rickard's or Brandon's bodies were delivered to them as they should have been.

Now that is a spooky thought. Kind of reminds of the lead villain in S. King's Storm of the Century. "Give me what I want and I'll go away."

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I think what Sam said about a man doing something unpopular but he knows is "right" is up there with "he always comes back." That seems like something a dumb confused kid might need for justification. Just saying.

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Ratings and revenue says otherwise. Have fun waiting 5 more years for the next book and another 10 for the final book.

Do you even know where you are posting? Get out. Like somebody else said, at least we know how to read. You can't, you glory in it, so...go wallow in ignorance elsewhere.

Obviously there wouldn't be a series without the books.

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I wouldn't mind if they skipped that now, it just seems stupid that Olly/some other NW members would do something like that after Jon has just saved a bunch of people and killed a freaking WW! But there has been so much foreshadowing that I think it's happening, underlining how even in the NW people are caught up in the games of power and revenge when there's actually a huge threath coming for them all and they should be joining forces.

Yeah - even after all this time, Ser Aliser is somewhat of a mystery to me. After he finally admitted during the battle on the wall that Jon was right and they should have frozen the tunnel, after Jon has acknowledged that he's a great swordsman, after Jon gave him second in command . . . he still hates Jon. I think he'll obviously be the one to deliver the first thrust.

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I'm more and more sure Stannis dies this year and Sansa takes Winterfell from within. I just can't see her as of now doing the jump and apparently, Ramsay's going to attack Stannis directly, so...

didn't the preview show fire and then afterwards stannis walking?

Major misdirection going on if you are right.

Actually its more than that; an attack happens next week and stannis is definitely alive in ep 10, cos the synopsis says he is....

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I wouldn't mind if they skipped that now, it just seems stupid that Olly/some other NW members would do something like that after Jon has just saved a bunch of people and killed a freaking WW! But there has been so much foreshadowing that I think it's happening, underlining how even in the NW people are caught up in the games of power and revenge when there's actually a huge threath coming for them all and they should be joining forces.

Yeah - even after all this time, Ser Aliser is somewhat of a mystery to me. After he finally admitted during the battle on the wall that Jon was right and they should have frozen the tunnel, after Jon has acknowledged that he's a great swordsman, after Jon gave him second in command . . . he still hates Jon. I think he'll obviously be the one to deliver the first thrust.

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