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The Horn in the Dragonglass

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When Sam Tarly originally found the dragonglass way back in season 2, there was a horn in the pack. Was that horn supposed to be the Horn of Winter or the Horn that binds dragons?

If it was one of those, was it still in the pack that got left behind at Hardhome and does this mean that the Others can bring down the wall or bind dragons?

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Isn't there something that's supposed to bring down the Wall itself? I can't remember.

That is the Horn of Winter/Joramun. Joramun supposedly woke the giants by blowing it and it is claimed it can bring down the wall. However, the horn that Mance claims is the Horn of Winter is also 8-feet long. D&D may have simply been alluding to it for book fans.

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i can't remember exactly but i think there was a smaller horn in the stash edd, grenn and sam found on the fist ...

though this could be :bs: cause after all i am a drunken pothead... :smoking:

...perhaps the samurai walkers will just need to fly their smoky ice dragon over the top and open gates from inside...

only the shadow knows :ninja:

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It clearly states in the books that the horn that was burned was not the Horn of Joramun. Mance tells Jon that he (and the free folk) searched "x" amount of graves but never found it. The horn that was burned was just a horn they found in a Giants grave.

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