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White Walkers vs. Earth


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Just for the giggles, let's just assume a few dozen White Walkers end up transferred to modern day Earth. You can choose where exactly, either in some remote rural area or in the midst of a crowded city. They still have their same abilities in warping the weather to cause snow storms, to transform children into their own kind and to raise the dead as unstoppable zombies. And they are hellbent on bringing the Long Night to Earth.

How would we fair against them?

People who assume the current zombie tropes apply to them will be screwed, close combat against wights is completely useless and modern guns will only ineffectively put holes into them. Difficult to whether say the White Walkers themselves could be killed, they seem to be quite resistant to any kind of non-magic attack and we have no Valyrian steel.

The most terrifying thought though is that Wights maintain their memories and abilities. If they munch up an army or two, we get gun-wielding zombies.

The way I see it the best way to deal with them is carpet-bombing all places they have successfully infested or go in with flamethrowers. What do you think will happen? Will they successfully carve out their own little winter paradise or will their killing spree get stopped early on?

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Not so quick, if we assume they have wheather altering abilities (to my knowledge show-only, but ok for the argument) your planes and helicopters might have some trouble against snow storms. Still, we have no idea if the Others can be harmed by ordinary weapons. Lets assume they can not. Then we need some snipers with obsidian bullets or something. Should be possible. So I think it humanity could manage, if acting fast. However the real problem would be some idiot governments trying to ally them for their own interests. That could cause serious damage.

Regarding location, for them rural Canada and Russia would be ideal. They could slowly build their army and advance with the cold winds. Also don't forget Wight Bears. Or Antarctica of course, Undead Penguins sound terrifying!

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They could do some big damages initially, a few hours. But then they will not have any chance. Aircrafts can fly without visibility, incendiary bombs, whatever. We have everything.

The Others are capable to produce a cold that makes metals break as if it were unbaked clay, and they can transform dead people into wighs made of ice which will proceed to kill even when made into pieces.

This world might make it, or not. I am really not so sure considering how sometimes regular snowstorm have kicked our butts.

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They could do some big damages initially, a few hours. But then they will not have any chance. Aircrafts can fly without visibility, incendiary bombs, whatever. We have everything.

I just want to say that the walkers themselves aren't stupid. They won't amass somewhere to charge headlong against some army in the open field. It seems they don't need to be nearby to raise the dead, so it is entirely possible they could try to keep a low profile, dispersing themselves and wandering around, causing minor wight-outbreaks wherever they appear. They only need to strike when they have amassed enough forces to overwhelm a military base or something or they wait until starting a full blown zombie apocalypse on numerous locations. Heck, isn't that exactly what they are doing in Westeros? Amassing power until they are sure to utterly overwhelm any resistance?

Just a few thoughts about how the walkers could try to go at it cleverly. Of course sudden drops in temperature are still quite big giveaways of their locations.

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